WAG 21-06-07-k
Job Retention Services
Job Retention Services assists newly employed SNAP E&T customers in navigating the employment world and overcoming barriers that could hinder them from retaining their employment.
Component Participation
Support is provided to customers by helping them maintain employment secured through their E&T engagement. Additional counseling, training and participant reimbursements, such as clothing and transportation will be offered to assist them in being successful at their new job.
Case Management and Supportive Services
Once placed into Job Retention Services, a customer will be provided on-going support, supportive services, case management services and any needed additional training for up to
365 calendar days from their initial employment start date.
Payment for a work related expense may be requested by the participant beginning with the first day of employment through the 365 calendar day period. SNAP E&T funds, including job retention services, cannot be authorized to pay for expenses that are covered by the participant's employer.
Note: Job Retention Services cannot be used to purchase firearms, pay bail bonds or traffic tickets, or outstanding debts, or pay for any relocation expenses so an individual can accept employment elsewhere