HCBS Settings Countdown: 358 Days


HFS Portal Logistics

HFS has increased the maximum size for site evidence from one site to 100MB. If you are using photos, please save them in low resolution and we now would discourage using videos as we are concerned about the zip drive size per site.

Residency Agreement Clarifications

As discussed in office hours this week, CMS has indicated that the residency agreement may include other resident responsibilities (e.g., no smoking in the home or no pets) provided those responsibilities are consistent with local and state tenant lease laws.

  • Updated Residency Agreement Information Bulletin (attached or if you have time to updated the webpage link)
  • Residency Agreement Frequently Asked Questions (attached or if you have time to create a webpage link)

Clarifying Requirement for CDS Programs

We shared this last week but it is worth noting that we updated the Policy and Evidence Tool for CDS to include answering question #11 - modifications (also called restrictions). If you are a day program only that has submitted policies, or a day site that has already uploaded your evidence to the portal, please email the additional information on Question #11 to DHS.HCBS@illinois.gov. In the subject line, please put "Additional Policy or Site Evident for #11. In the body of the email, please indicate the organization and the site address. Please note, we have updated the Policy and Evidence Tool for those who have not completed this activity.

Updated Frequently Asked Questions

* On our Settings webpage you can find an updated FAQ based on questions received during the Settings Update webinar two weeks ago. We have started an additional document and will eventually incorporate all FAQs together. Check out IDHS: Division of Developmental Disabilities HCBS Settings Rule Compliance under resources for the initial FAQ and the new webinar FAQs.

DDD HCBS Settings Office Hours

* Reminder, every Tuesday at 10 am, you can bring your questions to office hours. There is no registration, just a link to join.