Section 03: General System Information

Section 3:  General System Information

The Menu Bar, located across the top of the main screen, is a prompter for selecting the data entry screen you wish to use.

There are four categories of information on a screen:

  • DISPLAY:   Refers to a data field that is displayed on the screen but cannot be changed. Each screen will display the Version number of the DHSCRS software.
  • MANDATORY:   Refers to a data field that MUST be completed before the screen can be processed. If it is blank or coded incorrectly, the computer will not accept the transaction.
  • MANDATORY, IF APPLICABLE:   Refers to a data field that must be completed before the screen can be processed if applicable.
  • OPTIONAL:   Optional data fields should be completed as appropriate.

Function Keys (FKeys) used in DHSCRS:

  • F1 - The F1 key (Help) is used when you need information about a data entry field. Help appears in a separate window on your screen.
  • Esc - The Escape key returns you to the previous menu or screen.
  • Tab - The Tab key is used to move the cursor to the next entry field.
  • Shift/Tab - The Shift/Tab key combination is used to move the cursor backward to the previous field.
  • Alt and Underscored letter - This key combination is used to select the option on the menu screens as well as clicking on the specific word.

Mouse Instructions

  • When using the mouse to choose between radio buttons, click on top of the option you wish to choose with the left mouse button. The focus (dot) will move to that option.
  • In the case of a pop-up list box, click the left mouse button the option and a list will appear. While still holding down the mouse button, move the highlight up and down the list with the mouse to find the option you wish to choose. In order to choose that option, release the mouse button and the choice will appear in the selected box.
  • Push buttons are located at the bottom of the screens and perform the function described.  When using the mouse to choose between push buttons, click on top of the option you wish to choose with the left mouse button.  For example, if the word PROCESS is next to the word EXIT, you must use the left mouse button to click on one or the other to perform that action.
  •  In the case of a scroll list box, which looks very similar to the option list box with the exception that the whole list is always exposed, click the left mouse button on the appropriate choice to make your selection.

Keyboard Instructions

  • In order to use the keyboard to choose between radio buttons, use the left and right arrow keys to move between the options. Notice that the arrow key does not change the focus (dot placement) but when you have the appropriate option highlighted, using the SPACEBAR will move the focus to the highlighted option.
  • In order to use the keyboard to select from a pop-up box, use the left and right arrow keys to move to the appropriate option. Pressing SPACEBAR will make the list pop up. Now, using the up and down arrow keys, you can scroll up and down the list until you find the option you wish to select. When you find the correct choice and it is highlighted, press ENTER. The choice you made will appear in the box and be the selected item.
  • Push buttons are located at the bottom of the screens and perform the verb they enclose. In order to perform the action using the keyboard, you must use the right and left arrow keys to highlight the option you wish to perform and press ENTER to perform the action.
  • In order to use the keyboard to manipulate a list box, use the up and down arrow keys to move up and down the list. Once you have highlighted the appropriate option, press ENTER which will choose the highlighted option.