ROCS System User Manual

Illinois Department of Human Services
Reporting of Community Services (ROCS) Manual

Section I - Introduction

The Department of Human Services Community Reporting System (DHSCRS) is a PC-based system designed to be used for collecting and submitting required data to the Department of Human Services (DHS) by those community providers who have contracted with the Department to provide services for individuals. It performs on-line, interactive editing on a local microcomputer to minimize the number of errors in the data that is submitted to DHS.

This software is not meant to be an all-inclusive system for managing each individual's case. Nor is it intended for managing the agency's financial status.

The following is a list of the different DHS systems that are supported through the DHSCRS software:

Client Data Information

The Reporting of Community Services (ROCS) System collects and processes client case registration information required by DHS for those clients receiving services that are reported through DHSCRS.

Client Financial Information

The Community Reimbursement System (CRS) collects and processes the client's monthly income information. The client's income information is only required for those clients who are receiving residential service. This information is used in calculating the reimbursement rate.

Service Reporting and Community Mental Health Billing

The Reporting of Community Services (ROCS) System collects and processes service reporting data to DHS. This data is used by DHS to monitor compliance with the grant agreements negotiated each fiscal year with community agency service providers; to monitor that those individuals discharged from DHS inpatient facilities are provided linkage to community services and that those discharged to long-term care facilities are provided the mandated follow-up prescribed by statute; and to monitor services funded by federal funds, special contracts, and other methods of funding.

The Community Mental Health Billing System (MMBS) processes billing information for payment under Rule 132 - The Mental Health Medicaid Clinic, Rehab, Targeted Case Management options.

Fee For Services

The Community Reimbursement System CRS) collects and processes billing information for fee-for-service programs provided to clients.

Agency Plan System

The Community Agency Plan System (CAPS) collects and processes agency plan 2.0, 2.1, 2.3, 4.0/4.1 information to DHS each fiscal year. The Grant agreement provides the basis for Departmental financial participation in grant-in-aid programs and formalizes the contractual relationship between DHS and the community agency. The agency plan is the part of the Grant Agreement which identifies the services to be provided, the target population, and the geographic areas to be served. It identifies how the services will be financed and through what budget items and funding sources.