VOLUME XV, ISSUE XVI FY 22 Annual Certification Plan is Live!

The Illinois Department of Human Services/ Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery (IDHS/SUPR) is requiring each funded agency complete the 2022 Annual Certification Plan (ACP). IDHS/SUPR uses this approach to ensure each provider understands and is compliant with all contractual obligations.

Additionally, SUPR will capture information not currently collected through other methods and use this information in combination with other data to measure priority areas we have identified as critical to our system. Therefore, provider participation in this process is mandatory.

This year, invitations for required providers will be sent via an invitation from Survey Monkey.

Please check your spam folders no later than February 1, 2022 if you have not received that invitation. If you have not received it and feel that you are a required participant because your organization is funded, please email Jennifer.Jennings@illinois.gov .

Included in this alert, you will find a hard copy of the 2022 ACP and instructions. It is highly suggested that you compile the required information prior to entering it into the online version.

The online form must be submitted by February 11th at 5 pm. Your submission is not considered complete until you have confirmed your agreement with the attestation on the final page. A generic thank you note will be generated to confirm submission. You can receive a pdf copy of your submission by requesting one via email from your contract manager or Jennifer.Jennings@illinois.gov  after March 1.

If you have questions about the content of the ACP, contact your organizations contract manager. If you are having technical difficulties, contact Jennifer Jennings at Jennifer.Jennings@illinois.gov .