Budget Requirements (23-444-22-1207)

Budget Requirements

The budget must be completed prior to the deadline, which is the same date the application is due.

The applicant must develop a budget consistent with program requirements.

A separate budget and budget narrative need to be completed, electronically signed, and submitted in the CSA tracking system with the status as "GATA Budget signed and submitted to program review" for each location you are applying for. Under "NOFO Suffix" Column in CSA you must include the suffix listed below:

  1. Colbert Consent Decree: Suffix CCD
  2. Williams Consent Decree: Suffix WCD

For example, if an applicant applies for funding for both Colbert Consent Decree and Williams Consent Decree, two budgets must be submitted, one associated with each consent decree for the program.

There is space when preparing the budget on each line item for the budget narrative. For each line in the budget the applicant will describe why each expenditure is necessary for program implementation and how the amount was determined. Please include cost allocations as necessary. The Budget narrative (including MTDC base exclusions as appropriate) must clearly identify indirect costs, direct program costs, direct administrative costs, and describe how the specified resources and personnel have been allocated for the tasks and activities within each line item. The budget should be prepared to reflect 12 months.

A Budget Template and Instructions can be used as a tool to assist in determining expenses; however, the final budget must be completed in the CSA Tracking System. The pdf budget or paper copy will not be accepted. Applicants will NOT be issued an award without the applicant's fully approved budget in the CSA System.