WAG 06-12-05-c: AABD Cash

Continuing QMB benefits when cash and medical are ending

  1. Send the client Form 157 that says cash and medical are ending.
    1. Add the following statement after the box checked "medical assistance".
      • You will continue to receive assistance with Medicare cost sharing expenses as a Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB).
  2. SWAP the case (see WAG 18-02-02).
  3. Complete Form 552, making the appropriate information changes.
  4. Change the status indicator that follows code QMB in Item 60 of Form 552, from 1 to 9.
    1. Enter the QMB effective date (MM/YYYY) following Item 60 code QMB. Use the effective month/year of the Medical cancellation, to continue QMB without a break.
  5. Reenter Item 60 HIB and SMIB status indicator codes as they previously appeared.

Continuing QMB benefits when cash is ending but medical is continuing

  1. Send the client Form 157 that says cash is ending.
    1. Add the following statement
      • You will continue to receive assistance with Medicare cost sharing expenses as a Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB).
  2. SWAP the case (see WAG 18-02-02).
  3. Enter the appropriate code in Item 80, if the client is eligible for spenddown or long term care credit.
  4. Reenter the following status indicator codes in Item 60 of Form 552, as they previously appeared:
    • code QMB followed by status indicator 1 and the effective date (MM/YYYY);
    • HIB and SMIB dates and status indicator codes.