Reports (23-444-22-1484)

Upon execution of the grant agreement, reporting shall be in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Uniform Grant Agreement and related Exhibits which includes, but is not limited to the following:

Reporting Requirements:

  1. Time Period for Required Periodic Financial Reports. Unless a different reporting requirement is specified in Exhibit G, Grantee shall submit financial reports to Grantor pursuant to Paragraph 13.1 and reports must be submitted no later than ___30____ days after the quarter ends.
  2. Time Period for Close-out Reports. Grantee shall submit a Close-out Report pursuant to Paragraph 13.2 and no later than ___60___ days after this Agreement's end of the period of performance or termination.
  3. Time Period for Required Periodic Performance Reports. Unless a different reporting requirement is specified in Exhibit G, Grantee shall submit Performance Reports to Grantor pursuant to Paragraph 14.1 and such reports must be submitted no later than __30___ days after the quarter ends.
  4. Time Period for Close-out Performance Reports. Grantee agrees to submit a Close-out Performance Report, pursuant to Paragraph 14.2 and no later than ___60___ days after this Agreement's end of the period of performance or termination.

Grantee shall submit a quarterly Periodic Financial Report (GOMBGATU-4002 (N-08-17)) to the appropriate email address. Reported expenses should be consistent with the approved annual grant budget. Any expenditure variances require prior Grantor approval in accordance with Article VI of the Uniform Grant Agreement to be reimbursable.

PFR Email Address for General Grants:

PFR Email Address for Williams Consent Decree:  

PFR Email Address for Colbert Consent Decree:

The Grantee shall submit quarterly Periodic Performance Report (GOMBGATU-4001 (N-08-17)) and the Periodic Performance Report Template by Program (PRTP) to the appropriate email address below. Reporting templates and instructions for submitting reports can be found in the Provider section of the IDHS website.

PPR and PRTP Email Address for All Grants:

DMH reporting templates and detailed instructions for submitting reports can be found in the Provider section of the IDHS website.