Department Responsibilities

Title XX Social Services (DFI)
Program Manual FY23

IDHS' Bureau of Basic Supports - Title XX's role as the administrator of the Title XX Donated Funds Initiative is to focus on the following goals:

  • Ensure that services support the mission of DHS and the objectives of the Division of Family and Community Services.
  • Ensure that services reach the targeted population.
  • Ensure that services are not duplicative of services already provided by IDHS.
  • Ensure that services are integrated with other services offered through IDHS.
  • Ensure that efforts are made to fully utilize available resources to meet the needs of the citizens of Illinois
  • Ensure that, if necessary, services are changed or redefined.
  • Ensure that the expenditures for services are efficient, effective, and follow State and Federal laws and regulations.

In order to ensure that Title XX DFI provides needed social services effectively and efficiently to Illinois children and families, the Bureau's objectives include:

  1. Implement agency policy directives for the use of the appropriated funds including the annual agreement and program plan process. This includes the review of the Title XX DFI program plan and budget, the agreement amount, the service definition and unit rate, if applicable, and prepare contract approval documents.
  2. Process Donated Funds Initiative Request for Reimbursement forms submitted annually. Prepare and establish all necessary documentation to post payments to the System Analyst Program/Enterprise Reserve Program (SAP/ERP) for provider reimbursement. Follow-up with providers to obtain missing information or to clarify incorrect information.
  3. Conduct desk review and on-site monitoring reviews to assess the quality and compliance of program operations in accordance with the approved agreement and program plan.
  4. Maintain expenditure controls and analysis of the Title XX DFI providers. This includes review of monthly spending reports and quarterly expenditure reports to determine if providers are spending funds logically. If necessary, discuss any concerns with providers to ensure no problems are occurring with the provision of services and/or the completion of required reports.
  5. Provide ongoing program and financial technical assistance to providers regarding service provision and client participation, reporting requirements, performance outcomes, and documentation requirements.
  6. Provide ongoing program and fiscal technical assistance to intra-departmental staff or sponsoring state agencies in accordance with the DFI Program Manual, the Title XX Social Services Block Grant Annual Reports, and the Federal regulations.
  7. Perform analysis and compile performance indicator information for the IDHS' Office of Strategic Planning and Performance Management.
  8. Monitor the cost of providing services to determine if they are reasonable for the services delivered.
  9. Develop and provide training opportunities concerning Title XX Donated Funds Initiative when training is deemed necessary.
  10. Develop and disseminate new or revised Title XX Donated Funds Initiative policy, procedures, and guidelines.
  11. Ensure compliance with federal mandates for public participation in the planning and development of the Title XX Social Services Block Grant. Compliance is achieved through the Family Self-Sufficiency Advisory Council.