Policies and Procedures

Title XX Social Services (DFI)
Program Manual FY23

IDHS, with the assistance of the Departments on Aging, Children and Family Services, Corrections and Public Health that sponsor DFI programs, has the responsibility to review service need and provider performance, service outcomes, service documentation, and fiscal accountability. Following are basic policies and procedures of IDHS.

  1. Eligibility Determination
  2. Fees
  3. Case Records
  4. Fiscal/Administrative Recordkeeping

A. Eligibility Determination

To be eligible for social services provided under the Title XX Social Services Block Grant, it must be determined and documented that the applicant is in need of a particular service and that the provision of the service will assist the participant in meeting that need. In addition, there should be a reasonable expectation of the participant attaining the service goal at the conclusion of the service period.

Each state agency has specific priorities for service and categories or characteristics of individuals to be served, which are generally, defined by state law and/or agency mission statements. Within these priorities, each state agency defines specific eligibility for particular services which are included in the Title XX Social Services Block Grant Projected Expenditure Report. The eligibility criteria for the Block Grant services must be consistent with standards established by the state agency. Each service provider must document in the case record that applicants are eligible for a particular service. The eligibility documentation must be maintained in the participant case record and address the following:

  • The individual(s) is/are in need of the service.
  • The individual(s) will benefit by receiving the service.
  • The individual(s) meet(s) the conditions for eligibility as defined by the sponsoring state agency and included in the Projected Expenditure Report for the Title XX Social Services.

B. Fees

Only one service provided through the Title XX Social Services Block Grant has fees associated with service delivery. This service is child care for children. All participants receiving child-care services must be assessed a fee according to the fee schedule in effect for these services. Guidelines for fees and fee policy are outlined in the Title 89 Illinois Administrative Rules and detailed in the Title XX Social Services Block Grant Projected Expenditures Report. Child care services are administered by the Bureau of Child Care and Development.

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C. Case Records

Service providers under the Title XX Social Services Block are responsible for maintaining a case record for the individual for whom service is being provided. At a minimum, a case record must include:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Birth Date
  • Social Security Number
  • If the participant receives Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) the type of service given
  • Documentation of the provision of individual and group counseling sessions, i.e., dates of service, amounts of time, narrative description of what took place during the session, and who provided the service, outcomes, etc.
  • Attendance records if the participant is in a residential setting or daily routine service program
  • If eligibility for an applicant is based on the need for protection, the case record must also contain the written, dated statement specifying the nature of the need for protection and the reasons (intake records and investigative reports).
  • Intake, assessment of service needs, reassessment of service needs, and a service plan
  • Indication of eligibility status
  • Documentation that the applicant was notified of ineligibility
  • If found ineligible, an indication that the applicant was advised of the right to a fair hearing related to the disposition of the application for service.
  • Documentation of the applicant's consent to release information
  • Referrals:
    • The provider should document linkages and coordination of service delivery with other service providers to ensure that the needs of the individual are met. The provider's service system must build on the assets of each individual served by increasing the capacity to achieve and maintain self-sufficiency to the maximum extent possible.
    • Providers must develop and maintain a working agreement with their local Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) Family and Community Resource Centers (formerly called IDHS Local Office); as necessary, the agreement may specify details regarding the referral process for IDHS services that are appropriate for the target population including, but not limited to: the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP); Assistance to the Aged, Blind and Disabled (AABD); housing related programs; and others. Providers must maintain a record of referrals made on behalf of participants to and from IDHS. For referrals from the IDHS Local Office, the IDHS caseworker may provide a copy of the IDHS referral, Form 2151. If provided, a copy of the form must be maintained in the case record.

Certain types of services may not lend themselves to documentation by case records. Examples are presentations to the public and transportation. Other methods of documentation may be used.

More specific documentation may be required depending upon the service provided.

D. Fiscal/Administrative Recordkeeping

The Provider must have established current administrative policies and procedures for agency operations, agency Board structure and function, personnel, and fiscal operations. These policies and procedures should be consistently applied, up to date, and reflect current agency practices. The Provider is expected to maintain policy and procedures in a manner that ensures compliance with 89 Illinois Administrative Code, CH. XX, Part 509.

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