The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) administers four programs to meet the immediate shelter, housing, and food needs of Illinois residents. The Emergency and Transitional Housing Program, the Supportive Housing Program, the Homeless Prevention Program, and the Homeless Tax Write-In Program are established for the purpose of providing comprehensive housing and other related services to families and individuals who are homeless or at risk of being homeless. This Program Manual was developed to provide guidance to providers who administer the programs.
The IDHS, through the Division of Family and Community Services, Bureau of Housing and Supportive Services, manages these programs which are an important resource for all in need of assistance. Families and individuals access program services through a statewide network of providers who are the initial and integral point of service for eligible participants. The IDHS Program Manual gives guidance to providers to ensure quality service delivery and program compliance.
Providers across the state should refer to this manual in the implementation of the Emergency and Transitional Housing, Supportive Housing, Homeless Prevention, and Homeless Tax Write-In programs. Each program is described in its own section that includes policies and procedures necessary to deliver program services, collect data on participant outcomes and program performance. Each program has reporting requirements. The manual provides submittal dates for the required reports. It contains detailed information on program budgeting, monitoring, and procedures developed to further the goals of the program.
In addition to the guidance provided in the manual, staff from the Bureau of Housing and Supportive Services are always available to provide technical support.