Grantee Payment Methods Notification (23-444-22-2616)

Payments will be in accordance with Administrative Directive Grant Payments, 2 CFR 200.302, 2 CFR 200.305, 31 CFR 205 (procedures implementing Cash Management Improvement Act and the Treasury-State Agreement (TSA)), and 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.120 (GOMB Adoption of Supplemental Rules for Grant Payment Methods). Three different award payment methods exist, namely Advance Payment, Reimbursement, and Working Capital Advance.

1. Advance Payment Method (Advance and Reconcile)

  1. An initial payment will be processed in an amount equal to the first two months' cash requirements as reflected in the Advance Payment Requirements Forecast (Cash Budget) Form submitted with the Grantee's application. The initial payment will be processed upon execution of the grantee's Uniform Grant Agreement.
  2. Grantees must submit monthly invoices in the format and method prescribed in the Grantee's executed Uniform Grant Agreement. The first invoice is due within 15 days after the first month of the Award's term. Invoices must include only allowable incurred costs that have been paid by the Grantee. For programs that have Grantee matching requirements, allowable costs are only reimbursable when matching costs have also been incurred.
  3. Subsequent monthly payments will be based on each monthly invoice submitted by Grantee to Grantor, and will be adjusted up or down, based on a comparison of actual cumulative expenditures to cumulative advance payments, to date.
  4. Grantees that do not expend all advance payment amounts by the end of the Award term or that are unable to demonstrate that all incurred costs were necessary, reasonable, allowable, or allocable as approved in their respective budget, must return the funds within 45 days.
  5. Grantees may be required to submit supporting documentation for their requests at the request of and in a manner prescribed by the Grantor.
  6. Failure to abide by advance payment governance requirements may result in grantee losing their right to advance payments.

2. Reimbursement Method

  1. IDHS will disburse payments to Grantee based on actual allowable costs incurred as reported in the monthly financial invoice submitted for the respective month, as described below.
  2. Grantees must submit monthly invoices in a format prescribed by Grantor. Invoices must include all allowable incurred costs for the first and each subsequent month of operations until the end of the Award term. Invoices must be submitted on or before the 15th calendar day following the end of each monthly invoice period. As practicable, Grantor shall process payment within 30 calendar days after receipt of the invoice, unless the State awarding agency reasonably believes the request to be improper.
  3. Grantees may be required to submit supporting documentation for their requests at the request of and in a manner prescribed by the Grantor.

3. Working Capital Advance Method

  1. IDHS Grant Program Managers will advance working capital payments to the grantee to cover their estimated disbursement needs for an initial period not to exceed two months of grant expenses. Startup costs may be approved if determined by IDHS Grant Program Managers to be allowable.
  2. Grantees must submit monthly invoices for each of the one or two months covered by the Working Capital Advance in the format and method prescribed by the Grantor. The first invoice is due 15 calendar days after the first month of the Award term. Invoices must include only allowable incurred costs that have been paid by the grantee. For grant programs that have grantee matching requirements, allowable costs are only reimbursable when matching costs have also been incurred.
  3. Grantees may be required to submit supporting documentation for their requests at the request of and in a manner prescribed by the Grantor.
  4. Working Capital Advance Payments are limited to a single occurrence per grant term.
  5. Following the initial working capital advance payment, grantees will be paid via advance or reimbursement method as appropriate.

Additional Advance Payments

Additional working capital advance payments may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Such requests must be made in writing, may require supporting documentation and must be approved by IDHS Executive Staff.

Grantees that do not select either the Advance Payment Method or the Working Capital Advance Method will automatically default to the Reimbursement Method. Grantees selecting the Advance Payment Method, or the Working Capital Advance Payment Method must complete the Advance Payment Request Cash Budget Template as described in the procedures above.

Payment Forms