Budget Requirements (23-444-22-2616)

The applicant must develop a budget consistent with program requirements.

A separate budget and budget narrative need to be completed, electronically signed, and submitted in the CSA tracking system with the status as "GATA Budget signed and submitted to program review" for each location you are applying for. Under "NOFO Suffix" Column in CSA you must include the suffix listed below.

  • Location 1: Population: Colbert Consent Decree - Suffix CCD
  • Location 2: Population: Front Door Diversion - Suffix FDD
  • Location 3: Population: Forensic Services - Suffix FNS
  • Location 4: Population: Homeless - Suffix HOM
  • Location 5: Population: Williams Consent Decree - Suffix WCD

For example, if an applicant applies for funding for Location 1 and Location 5, two budgets must be submitted, one associated with each location for the program.

Applicants will need to include only the amount for which they are applying, for the specific location on each individual budget.

Uniform Grant Budget Template | Instructions