22-444-80-2775 RPSA Youth Development Services Appendices, FAQ's and Technical Assistance

RPSA Reimagine Youth Development Services Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance Session:

This technical assistance session will provide participants with an overview of the 22-444-80-2775 Reimagine Public Safety Act Youth Development Services Notice of Funding Opportunity and information on how providers can apply for FY22.

  • Thursday, February 24, 2022
  • 9:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
  • Virtual Zoom Meeting
  • After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting

Technical Assistance Session (Additional Walkthrough): 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

RPSA Reimagine Youth Development Services Appendices

Reimagine Youth Development Services Questions and Answers:

Questions and answers will be updated frequently as new questions are received. Applicants are responsible for checking frequently as the responses provided may have an impact on their ability to submit a responsive application.

If, after reading the questions and answers posted below, you have additional questions, please email your question to: DHS.ViolencePreventionServices@Illinois.gov. Please include the NOFO number 444-80-2775 in the subject line. The final deadline to submit any written questions regarding this Funding Notice will be Monday, 3/14/2022. The Final listing of Q&A will be posted by End of Day on Wednesday, 3/16/2022.

February 28, 2022

  1. Question: Could multiple applicants, who also reside in the same eligible service area, receive funding under this award?
    Answer: Yes. Please refer to Section 2 Intent of the Notice of Funding Opportunity where it states, "The Department's OFVP anticipates funding up to 8 organizations in each eligible service area."
  2. Question: What does the NOFO mean where it states, "If multiple applications are submitted for the same eligible service area, ONLY the application received first will be considered." 

    The NOFO limits the number of applications that can be submitted by an organization to ONE per eligible service area. Therefore, if an organization submits more than one application for the same service area, we will not disqualify both applications. The application that will be considered for the Merit-Based Review, will be the FIRST application received from that organization.

    : If an organization is submitting a 2nd application intending for it to REPLACE the first application submitted by the organization, the must be CLEARLY indicated. Please also know that if IDHS does in fact receive two applications from the same organization for the same service area, you will be notified in writing that one will be accepted, and one will be disqualified.
  3. Question: I am working with a training organization that applied for the Youth Development TTAS grant (444-80-2772). If we are awarded that grant, would we be eligible to partner with another organization to apply for the Reimage Youth Services grant (444-80-2775)? We would be included in their proposal as a provider of training. 
    Answer: No. Any organization who has accepted a grant under TTAS 22-444-80-2771 or TTAS 22-444-80-2772 will not be eligible to receive funding under this NOFO (22-444-80-2775). Subcontractors are subject to the same provisions and conditions as the Grantee.
  4. Question: My organization is intentionally building out programming to serve this age group and would use the Youth Development Services grant to provide OOS programming for 11- to 17-year-olds. Are we eligible to apply?
    Answer: Yes. Organizations developing new programs may apply. Organizations are not required to have a program already in place that meets the full requirements of the NOFO. For more information on eligibility please refer to Section C Eligibility Information and Grant Funding Requirements of the NOFO.
  5. Question: Is there a budget template we can use?
    Answer: Please refer to Appendix 5 CSA Budget Information to access a pdf Budget template. It can be found toward the end of the Appendix.
  6. Question: How can I access the Technical Session recording? It appears the link on your website to the IL file transfer is not working properly.
    Answer: If the link to the TA Session is not working properly, please submit an email request to DHS.ViolencePreventionServices@illinois.gov, Subject Line: RYDS 22-444-80-2775 Request. The TA Session recording will be sent to you directly.
    March 11, 2022
  7. Question: Where can we access the Programmatic Risk Assessment (PRA) Form for the IDHS 22-444-80-2775 RPSA Youth Development Services opportunity?
    To access the PRA for 22-444-80-2775 RPSA Youth Development Services, please use the following link: IDHS: Programmatic Risk Survey - Division of Family and Community Services (state.il.us) This link is also located on the Family and Community Services Grant Information FY22 Home page, in the Community and Positive Youth Development Table, for the RPSA Youth Development Services solicitation.
  8. Question: What can I do if the link to a PDF does not work properly?
    Answer: Please refer to IDHS: How to Open PDF Forms (state.il.us)
  9. Question: Is the intent of the NOFO to restrict statewide c4 organizations partnering with local c3 organizations who provide direct services in more than 3 approved service areas or community areas from submitting a single proposal?
    Answer: The RPSA specifically sets forth the limitations regarding the number of community areas for which an organization may be funded, with certain limitations as described in the NOFO.
    Separate applications are necessary for each service area as these are competitive grants and applicants will be competing within specific service areas. The intention is to fund local organizations that are from the communities that are being served.
    The scenario you describe is fine within a single service area, but if the intention is to provide services in multiple service areas, multiple complete applications will be necessary for each service area applied for.
  10. Question: How do community-based organizations apply to provide services to a single approved service area or community area in partnership with a statewide organization to meet the requirements of C.1.d.i?
    Answer: C.1.d.i refers to the limited eligibility that is imposed by the RPSA.
    "No applicant will receive funding under this NOFO (22-444-80-2775) to provide services in more than three eligible community areas unless the OFVP is unable to identify youth development organizations to provide adequate coverage."
    If an eligible entity submits more than 3 applications to serve different service areas, the above limited eligibility will apply. Each separate application will be considered as further described in Section E.2. Review and Selection.
  11. Question: Does a pre-existing demonstration of an ongoing commitment to quality improvement thorough implementation and assessment of Illinois Quality Program Self-Assessment (IL-QPSA) meet the requirements of Section C.9.c.1?
    Answer: Yes. Further, the grant will require this is an ongoing commitment.
  12. Question: Does a pre-existing demonstration of an ongoing commitment to develop trauma informed capacity within the organization with a goal of achieving Trauma Informed Agency Status as recognized through a Department approved tool, such as the CBAT-O Assessment tool meet the requirements of Section C.9.c.2?
    Answer: Yes. Further, the grant will require this is an ongoing commitment.

March 15, 2022

  1. Question: How is "Drop-in Youth" defined? 
    Drop-in youth is not defined in the NOFO because the Youth Development program model does not support drop-in programming. Programming must be focused on trying to ensure that the same youth regularly participate in and attend the program.
  2. Question: Do organizations need to follow the same (unique) youth throughout the year for longitudinal data? Or can it be serving a unique young person at least once a year? 
    The goal of the model regarding attendance/participation is that the same you participate every day the program is open. 
  3. Question: Are organizations required to focus on young people residing within the 35% blocks/high-risk areas? Or can it be Greater Grand Crossing in general? 
    The priority of the programs is to serve youth from the 35% blocks. However, applications will still be accepted that serve youth in other parts of the eligible service area or a combination of both. Applications that serve the 35% blocks will score higher than those that do not.
  4. Question: What are examples of Linkage agreements? Our organization has previously obtained linkage agreements indicating support for a recent Teen REACH grant (2021). Could we utilize these for this application? 
    : Please review Section A.6.O. Collaboration for more detailed information. In addition, the following is required as part of your application:
    Include copies of existing linkage agreements in Attachment A7- Signed School Linkage Agreements of your application. At a minimum, your Attachment A7 of your Application must include linkage agreements with every school where Reimagine Youth Development participants attend, indicating their willingness to provide copies of student grade reports and attendance and suspension records. If significant linkages do not currently exist, explain why and include a plan to establish those linkages.
  5. Question: The NOFO specifies that this program is targeted at older youth, ages 11 to 17 and that 70% of youth served need to be in this age range. For the additional 30%, are we able to serve individuals that are 18 years old? 
    : You may only serve youth that are 18 if they have not graduated yet and are still in school. The other age group is 6-10.

March 17, 2022

  1. Question: I've read through the whole grant and it's a powerful funding initiative. However, the budget allowed ($4.75/student/hour) is far too small to operate our planned program. The calculations in the grant show that a program that serves 40 students 5 days per week for 3 hours per day for 12 month (with a few weeks of closure) would be funded at $136,800 which would need to cover all staff, supplies, overhead (space, utilities, insurance, payroll, accounting, etc.), transportation, and food (which is required). This is significantly less than required for the programs we envision unfortunately. Unless I'm misunderstanding the grant, we won't be able to apply. 
    The calculations are correct - couple things though, you would also be able to get an additional $50K on top of that to help offset costs as the grant requires a FTE program coordinator. Also, food, most programs will be able to provide food at little to no cost as the vast majority of youth will be low-income qualifying for free and reduced lunch and therefor programs are eligible for the various federal food programs.
  2. Question: Can the additional $50,000 be used for anything other than the cost of the FTE program coordinator? 
    Yes, presuming you have accounted for the FTE and associated costs, you are able to then allocate any remaining funding elsewhere in your budget. 

RPSA Youth Development Services-Technical Assistance Session Questions and Answers

  1. Question: Do we need to get recommendations from the LAC in communities outside Chicago? Who are LACs?
    • Answer: No.  LAC, Local Advisory Councils, have not yet been formed.
  2. Question: Our community is not listed in the Greater Illinois Municipal Service Area. Does this mean we are not eligible to apply even though we serve at-risk youth and our community has benefited from our programs reducing juvenile gun violence?
    • Answer: That is correct. If your organization does not intend to serve a community area listed on the Appendix as an eligible community area, your application would not be eligible for consideration.
  3. Question: Is this funding for new programming or existing programming for an organization?
    • Answer: This funding is for new or expanded programming. You may not use these funds to supplant current funding your organizations has for similar programming.
  4. Question: Can you speak more to the measures/requirements, days open, "dosage", and average daily attendance?
    • Answer: The performance measures are in place to ensure that the Youth Development program model is being implemented as required. The measures referenced in this question help to ensure your program is focused on trying to keep the same youth coming back to your program every day. This program is NOT a drop-in program. If an organization is operating a drop-in program, these measure will not be met.
  5. Question: If someone becomes part of a LAC would their agency still be eligible to apply for funding?
    • Answer: Yes.
  6. Question: Are their guidelines for the number of youth to be served?
    • Answer: Yes. There is a minimum and a maximum per SITE. The minimum projected Average Daily Attendance (ADA) 15 and the maximum ADA is 100.
  7. Question: Do activities (for students) have to be during out-of-school hours?
    • Answer: Yes.
  8. Question: Can a company work with a fiscal sponsor to be eligible to participate?
    • Answer: Company implies for-profit organization. For-profit organizations are not eligible entities under the grant. Subgrantees are held to the same requirements as the grantee. Yes, it is okay for an eligible organization to contract with another entity to provide fiscal services to the applicant organization. It is also okay for an eligible fiscal agent to apply and subgrant to your eligible organization - however, both the fiscal agent and the subgrantee must be an eligible entities under the NOFO.
  9. Question: This funding is similar to Teen REACH. Is Teen REACH going to continue in the future?
    • Answer: YES
  • 10. Question: How many hours per day do you expect services to be provided during the summer months?
    • Answer: There are not separate expectations for Summer months. In general, programs will operate on average, 5 days per week, 3 hours per day 240 days per year, providing services all 12 months.
  • 11. Question: Can we be reimbursed for additional services hours during the summer?
    • Answer: Programs are not reimbursed for actual service hours provided. Grants are based on the funding formula identified in the NOFO, which requires a minimum number of services hours be provided.
  • 12. Question: Is there a minimum youth to adult ratio required? Do childcare licensing apply to this program?
    • Answer: Childcare licensing will not apply to your program if operated as designed in the NOFO. Youth to adult ratios are not mandated, however must be adequate to ensure proper oversight and safety of all youth. Applicants will justify their proposed staff to youth ratios in their program narrative.
  • 13. Question: If we do not have enough activity-based instructional materials for 20 days a month and 12 months a year. If possible, we would the opportunity to partner with another organization that meets the other criteria. Would that be acceptable?
    • Answer: You must propose a program that provides programming and services to youth as described in the NOFO to meet the minimum requirements. Yes you can use grant funding to pay other entities to provide programming etc. Example, you can pay XYZ organization to provide your program youth a particular life skills program 2 hours per day, 3 days per week for 6 weeks twice per year.
  • 14. Question: For STEM Programs, we use zoom meetings for students. May we use these hours for youth attendance hours?
    • Answer: While we may consider exceptions uncertain circumstances, the expectation is that programming is provided in-person.
  • 15. Question: Can we use any funding to provide stipends for workforce training and volunteering for teens?
    • Answer: Youth may be paid to work in the program. However, during the time in which youth are being paid to work in the program, there time will not be counted toward the youth attendance hours or average daily attendance. Youth may NOT be paid to participate in the program.
  • 16. Question: Must ALL students (who are counted) reside in those designated blocks?
    • Answer: NO
  • 17. Question: If we proposed a lower average daily attendance and achieve a higher attendance level. Is DHS going to reimburse for the actual (not projected) level of attendance?
    • Answer: NO. However, in future years, if additional funding is available, IDHS may be able to increase your award to be more in line with your actual numbers. But, this should NOT be counted upon.
  • 18. Question: Are we allowed to go after other funds since it is small amount of funds?
    • Answer: YES
  • 19. Question: Are the attendance and days open requirement the same as for Teen Reach?
    • Answer: YES
  • 20. Question: Is there one full- time coordinator per site?
    • Answer: Minimum One Per Program, not per site.
  • 21. Question: Do are direct service staff costs need to be included in the ADA formula total?
    • Answer: The funding formula determines to maximum award amount for which you can apply. You will budget this amount however you need to in order to implement your proposed program. That will include staff. Staff costs will likely be most of your budget.
  • 22. Question: Will there be any separate Administration Costs allowed?
    • Answer: Administration costs are allowed under this grant. They are not separate costs above and beyond the funding formula +50K, rather they will be within the maximum award amount.
  • 23. Question: Can we propose multiple sites within the same community area in one application?
    • Answer: Yes, in fact it is a requirement that you NOT submit multiple applications for a single service area. Your application may contain one or more program sites.
  • 24. Question: Will you only be considering applications you get first, for each area?
    • Answer: No. We will consider all eligible applications we receive. However, if your agency submits more than one application for the SAME service area, only one will be eligible as you are not allowed to submit multiple Applications for the same service area. In this situation, we will consider the original (first) application that you submitted as eligible.
  • 25. Question: If youth continue to participate after they turn 18, can they be counted in ADA?
    • Answer: If they are 18 and they have graduated, they or no longer eligible. If they are 18 and still in school, we will still consider them as school-age even though they are over 17 and they can be counted toward your ADA.
  • 26. Question: The budget for the first two months. Can we use this period to staff the program and recruit youth participants?
    • Answer: YES, however we do expect that you will be able to begin programming sometime in June.
  • 27. Question: Could you discuss the timing of the grant period? When services are required to begin and the length of the grant period.
    • Answer: A 4-week start-up period is allowed at the beginning of the grant projected to begin May 1, 2022. It is understood that some programs may need some technical assistance to help build their program, in that case the startup period may need to be prolonged. The expectation is that programming and services begin in June, 2022. This program is projected to end June 30, 2024. You will receive separate grants in each of 3 separate state fiscal years. Each subsequent fiscal year, following the initial 2-month FY22 grant, will require an updated plan and detailed budget.
  • 28. Question: Are we writing the grant for 12 months or for the projected 3 years?
    • Answer: The program plan (abstract, narrative and PDF budget) should cover all 26 months. The initial submitted budget entered into CSA will only cover the first 2 months (May and June 2022).
  • 29. Question: We complete a 26-month budget narrative but only input the May-June budget in the system?
    • Answer: CORRECT. For FY23, you will be asked to enter a 12-Month budget into CSA. And then again for FY24. These will be requested separately and will be part of the continuation application process for these years.
  • 30. Question: If a local agency applies for this round of funding. Then another NOFO is rolled out while that agency is still receiving funding. Can another/different entity apply for a new RPSA NOFO in the same service area?
    • Answer: The answer to this question is likely yes. However, it would be impossible to know for certain until the actual NOFO was released and the requirements/restrictions could be assessed.
  • 31. Question: Are the operations and ADA requirements determined at the state or federal level?
    • Answer: State
  • 32. Question: Are support letters from the targeted schools required as part of the application?
    • Answer: Yes. Please refer to the NOFO for details regarding the desired content of these support letters.
  • 33. Question: How do I get an Invitation Key for the CSA Tracking System?
    • Answer: You will be directed to reach out to the contact person in the NOFO. If you have any trouble in this area, please reach out directly to DHS.ViolencePreventionServices@illinois.gov. Please include Invitation Key Request in the subject line. Please include your name email and phone number in the email.
  • 34. Question: If a school is not one of the service sites, do we need to show support from the schools?
    • Answer: Yes, you will need some level of support from the school (s) for which you will be serving kids from. Please refer to the NOFO regarding letters of support.