Tier I- Optimally Changing the Map- Evaluation (23-444-80-2457-03)

Summary Information

Awarding Agency Name Illinois Department of Human Services
Awarding Division Name Family and Community Services
Office of Community & Positive Youth Development
Agency Contact Mary White
Announcement Type Continuation/Non-Competitive
Funding Opportunity Title Federal-Office of the Assistant Secretary, Office of
Population Affairs, Tier 1
Funding Opportunity Number 23-444-80-2457-03-01
Application Posting Date April 5, 2022
Application Closing Date May 4, 2022 by 12:00pm (Noon)
Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) Number 444-80-2457-03
Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) Popular Name Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Program Tier 1 - Evaluation
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number(s) 93.297

Eligibility and Funding Information

  1. Eligibility Information
    1. Eligible Applicants
      This Continuation Application is limited to those public or private, not-for-profit community-based agencies and other state agencies who received an award from the Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Family and Community Services for the implementation of the Optimally Changing the Map, Tier 1 Evaluation pursuant to DHS Funding Notice (#22-444-80-2457) AND continue to meet the additional eligibility criteria below. Failure to provide the requested information as outlined herein to demonstrate these criteria are met will result in the application being removed from funding consideration.
    2. Pre-Qualification
      Applicant entities will not be eligible to apply for a grant award until they have pre-qualified through the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) Grantee Portal. Registration and pre-qualification are required annually. During pre-qualification, verifications are performed including a check of federal Debarred and Suspended status on the Illinois Stop Payment List and good standing with the Secretary of State. An automated email notification is sent to the entity alerting them of "qualified" status or providing information about how to remediate a negative verification (e.g., inactive DUNS, not in good standing with the Secretary of State). A federal Debarred and Suspended status cannot be remediated. Applicants must be pre-qualified, therefore, applications from entities that have not completed the GATA pre-qualification process prior to the due date of this application will NOT be reviewed and will NOT be considered for funding. A statement indicating the applicant has completed Pre-Qualification steps and is currently Pre-Qualified will be required with the application. (A screenshot indicating the applicant has completed Pre-Qualification steps and is currently Pre-Qualified will also be accepted).
      The Provider's proposed budget must be entered into the CSA system. The completed budget must be electronically signed and submitted in the CSA system, and a printed copy of the signed and submitted budget must be included with the application. To do this, the following is required: at a minimum, the applicant agency's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or equivalent, or the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or equivalent must be registered in the CSA system to electronically sign the required budget documents prior to submission. Budgets not submitted as described here and by the due date and time will not be considered.
      For more information about submitting a budget in the CSA system, refer to Appendix 2 and also see this information.
    3. Dun and Bradstreet Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number and System for Award Management (SAM)
      Each applicant is required to:
      1. Be registered in SAM before submitting the application. The following link provides a connection for SAM registration.
      2. provide a valid DUNS number in its application; and
      3. continue to maintain an active SAM registration with current information at all times in which the applicant has an active Federal, Federal pass-through or State award or an application or plan under consideration by a Federal or State awarding agency.
        DHS may not make a Federal pass-through or State award to an applicant until the applicant has complied with all applicable DUNS and SAM requirements and, if an applicant has not fully complied with the requirements by the time DHS is ready to make the award, DHS may determine that the applicant is not qualified to receive the award and use that determination as a basis for making the award to another applicant.
    4. Unique entity identifier and System for Award Management (SAM)
      Each applicant is required to: (i) Be registered in SAM before submitting its application; (ii) provide a valid unique entity identifier in its application; and (iii) continue to maintain an active SAM registration with current information at all times during which it has an active award or an application or plan under consideration by the Department.
      The Department may not make an award to an applicant until the applicant has complied with all applicable unique entity identifier and SAM requirements and, if an applicant has not fully complied with the requirements by the time the Department is ready to make an award, the Department may determine that the applicant is not qualified to receive an award and use that determination as a basis for making an award to another applicant. Please refer to Section C. Eligibility Information & Grant Funding Requirements for additional information and detail regarding SAM.
    5. Pre-Award Requirements
      The pre-award process includes a financial and administrative risk assessment utilizing an Internal Controls Questionnaire (ICQ) and a Programmatic Risk Assessment (PRA). The PRA must be completed for each separate grant for which an applicant intends to apply. The Department may NOT issue a Notice of Award or a Grant Agreement to any applicant that does not have a submitted and approved FY23 ICQ and a submitted and complete FY23 PRA for the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP). While these are NOT required prior to submitting the application, they are required prior to the Department issuing an award.
      Applicants that have not completed an FY23 ICQ and/or an FY23 PRA at the time of application will be contacted by the Department to complete these Pre-Award requirements.
      These grantee pre-award requirements are mandated by Federal Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200) and the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA). Grantees must complete these requirements prior to receiving a grant award from the State of Illinois.
    6. Mandatory Requirements of Applicant
      The Mandatory Requirements are essential items that must be met by the Applicant. If any Mandatory Requirement is not met, the responding Applicant's entire proposal will not be considered. DHS is not obligated to make an award to any applicant that fails to meet all mandatory requirements.
      1. The provider must be in a position to begin providing services on July 1, 2022.
      2. Technology: Agencies awarded funds through this funding notice must have a computer that meets the following minimum specifications for the purpose of receipt/submission of electronic program and fiscal information:
        • Internet access, preferably high-speed
        • Email capability
        • Microsoft Excel
        • Microsoft Word
        • Adobe Reader
      3. State and Federal Laws and Regulations: The agency awarded funds through this NOFO must agree to comply with all applicable provisions of state and federal laws and regulations pertaining to nondiscrimination, sexual harassment and equal employment opportunity including, but not limited to: The Illinois Human Rights Act (775 ILCS 5/1-101 et seq.), The Public Works Employment Discrimination Act (775 ILCS 10/1 et seq.), The United States Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as amended) (42 USC 2000a-and 2000H-6), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 USC 794), The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 USC 12101 et seq.), and The Age Discrimination Act (42 USC 6101 et seq.).
    7. Additional Eligibility
      1. Sectarian Issue: Provider organizations may not expend federal or state funds for sectarian instruction, worship, prayer or to proselytize. If the Provider organization is a faith-based or a religious organization that offers such activities, these activities shall be voluntary for the individuals receiving services and offered separately from the program.
      2. Background Checks: Background checks are required for all program staff and volunteers who have the potential for contact with youth under 18. These background checks must be completed in advance of individuals working directly with youth. Such individuals will authorize such checks in writing and submit to fingerprinting when required. The agency shall retain the signed form authorizing the background check. All background check information, including the signed authorizing forms shall be maintained separately in a confidential file, apart from the employee's personnel records. Funded programs will be required to have a written protocol in place detailing the requirement for background checks; evidence of their completion; the protocol for reviewing and making determinations regarding results; etc. In no case shall a Person who has been indicated as the perpetrator of any of the child abuse/neglect allegations identified in 89 Ill. Adm. Code Section 385.50(a) be deemed fit for service that allows access to children.
      3. Child Abuse/Neglect Reporting Mandate: Per the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act (ANCRA, 325 ILCS 5/4), mandated reporters are professionals who may work with children in the course of their professional duties. Mandated reporters are required to report suspected child maltreatment immediately when they have "reasonable cause to believe that a child known to them in their professional or official capacity may be an abused or neglected child" (ANCRA Sec.4). This is done by calling the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) Hotline at 1-800-252-2873 or 1-800-25ABUSE. Programs funded through this grant opportunity must review ANCRA and, where appropriate, have a written protocol for identifying and reporting suspected child maltreatment.
      4. Hiring and Employment Policy: It is the policy of the Department to encourage cultural diversity in the work environment and to promote employment opportunities through its programs. The Department philosophy is that the program workforce should appropriately reflect the populations to be served, with special attention given to hiring individuals indigenous to those communities. Consistent with Department policy, whenever a position becomes available, funded programs are encouraged to consider TANF clients for employment, contingent upon their qualifications in the areas of education and work experience.
  2. Funding Information and Requirements
    1. Funding Information
      1. This Continuation Application is considered an application for renewal funding.
      2. This award is funded with Federal dollars and does NOT have an in-kind and/or match requirement.
      3. All funding is subject to appropriation.
      4. The Department anticipates awarding 1 grant under this funding notice based on the availability of funds.
      5. Subject to appropriation, the grant period will begin no sooner than July 1, 2022 and will continue through June 30, 2023.
      6. It is expected that administrative costs, both direct and indirect, will represent a small portion of the overall program budget. 
      7. The funding amount requested for FY23 should reflect the actual grant amount required to implement the proposed plan and should be reasonably consistent with FY22 funding levels.
      8. Proposed project budgets and narratives must be sufficiently detailed and justified to be approved by DHS.
      9. Subcontractor Agreement(s) and budgets must be pre-approved by the Department and on file with the Department. Subcontractors are subject to all provisions of this Agreement. The successful Applicant Agency shall retain sole responsibility for the performance of the subcontractor.
      10. Pre-Award costs will be allowed prior to the execution date of the award under the following conditions: 1.) the applicant must have received and accepted the Notice of State award (NOSA) AND, 2.) Submitted any and all requested program plan and budget revisions per the NOSA; AND 3.) May NOT incur pre-award costs prior to 7/1/2022.
        The release of this funding notice does not obligate the Illinois Department of Human Services to make an award. Work cannot begin until a contract is fully executed by the Department.
    2. Grant Funds - Use Requirements
      All applicants will use grant funds according to the guidelines, conditions and parameters set forth in this funding notice and in compliance with federal statutes, regulations and the terms and conditions of any applicable federal awards.
      Please refer to 2 CFR 200 - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, PART 200 Subpart E - Cost Principles to determine the appropriateness of costs.
      1. Allowable costs:
        Allowable costs are those that are necessary and reasonable based on the activity(ies) contained in the Scope of Work, are justified in the Budget Narrative, and are allowable under Subpart E of 2 CFR 200. Funding allocated under these grants is intended to provide direct services to youth. It is expected that administrative costs, both direct and indirect, will represent a small portion of the overall program budget. Any budget deemed to include inappropriate or excessive administrative costs will not be approved. Program budgets and narratives must detail how all proposed expenditures are necessary for program implementation.
      2. Unallowable costs
        Please refer to 2 CFR 200 - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, PART 200 Subpart E - Cost Principles to determine the appropriateness of costs. In addition, and specific to this grant, the following costs will be unallowable without specific prior written approval from DHS:
        1. Entertainment costs, except where specific costs that might otherwise be considered entertainment have a programmatic purpose and are authorized in the approved budget (2 CFR 200.438)
        2. Capital expenditures for general purpose equipment, including any vehicle regardless of cost, buildings, and land (2 CFR 200.439)
        3. Capital expenditures for improvements to land, buildings, or equipment which materially increase their value or useful life (2 CFR 200.439)
        4. Food, and other goods or services for personal use of the grantee's employees, contractors, or consultants of the grantee unless authorized as per diem under the State of Illinois Governor's Travel Control Board (2 CFR 200.445).
        5. Deposits for items, services, or space
      3. Limitation of Use of Award funds for Employee Compensation: With respect to any award over $250,000, recipients may not use federal funds to pay total cash compensation to any employee that exceeds 110% of the maximum annual salary payable to a member of the Federal Government's Senior Executive Service (SES) at an agency with a Certified SES Performance Appraisal System for that year.
      4. Indirect cost requirements
        In order to charge indirect costs to this grant, the applicant organization must have a Federal or State annually negotiated indirect cost rate agreement (NICRA) or must elect to use the De Minimis Rate.
        Every organization that receives an FY2023 state award must make an indirect cost rate proposal or election in the Crowe Activity Review System (CARS), including organizations that are choosing not to claim payment for indirect costs. 
        Indirect Cost Rate Election:
        1. Federally Negotiated Rate. Organizations that receive direct federal funding may have an indirect cost rate that was negotiated with the Federal Cognizant Agency. Illinois will accept the federally negotiated rate. The organization must provide a copy of the federal NICRA as Attachment A2.
        2. State Negotiated Rate. The organization must negotiate an indirect cost rate with the State of Illinois by completing an indirect cost rate proposal in the CARS system if they do not have Federally Negotiated Rate or elect to use the De Minimis Rate.
        3. De Minimis Rate. An organization that has never received a Federal or State Negotiated Rate may elect a de Minimis rate of 10% of modified total direct cost (MTDC). Once established, the de Minimis rate may be used indefinitely. The State of Illinois must verify the calculation of the MTDC annually in order to accept the de Minimis rate. If programs elect to use the De Minimis rate, it is critical that program budgets accurately calculate the MTDC base. Please see the regulation below and note the exclusions to MTDC.
          2 CFR § 200.68 Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC).
          MTDC means all direct salaries and wages, applicable fringe benefits, materials and supplies, services, travel, and subawards and subcontracts up to the first $25,000 of each subaward or subcontract (regardless of the period of performance of the subawards and subcontracts under the award). MTDC excludes equipment, capital expenditures, charges for patient care, rental costs, tuition remission, scholarships and fellowships, participant support costs and the portion of each subaward and subcontract in excess of $25,000. Other items may only be excluded when necessary to avoid a serious inequity in the distribution of indirect costs, and with the approval of the cognizant agency for indirect costs.
      5. "No Rate": Grantees have discretion not to claim payment for indirect costs. Grantees that elect not to claim indirect costs cannot be reimbursed for indirect costs. The organization must record an election of "No Indirect Costs" into CARS.
        Crowe Activity Review System (CARS).
        CARS will allow your organization to document your already established federally approved indirect cost rate, complete an indirect cost rate proposal (see State Negotiated Rate above), elect to charge the De Minimis rate (10%) of modified total direct costs (MTDC), or select that no reimbursement of indirect costs will be requested. Submission requirements are located on page 2 of the Uniform Budget Template as well as 2 CFR 200 Appendices IV, V & VII.
        1. Organizations which have not previously made an indirect cost rate election must submit an election (and indirect cost rate proposal, if necessary) immediately and no later than 3 months after receiving an award notification or invitation to the CARS system.
        2. Organizations that have previously established an indirect cost rate election must submit a new indirect cost rate election immediately and no later than 6 months after the close of their organization's fiscal year.
        3. Every organization must make an indirect cost rate election in CARS even if the organization is choosing De Minimis Rate or "no rate". Organizations that do not make an election or submission inside the CARS system within the required timeframes will not be allowed to claim indirect cost reimbursement.
        4. For more information.
    3. Administrative costs
      It is expected that administrative costs, both direct and indirect, will represent a small portion of the overall program budget. Program budgets and narratives will detail how all proposed expenditures are directly necessary for program implementation and will distinguish between Indirect/Direct Administrative and Direct Program expenses. Any budget deemed to include inappropriate or excessive administrative costs will not be approved. At no time may the approved NICRA be exceeded under this agreement. Documentation will be required to verify the approved NICRA.
    4. Simplified Acquisition Threshold
      Potential grantees under this funding announcement may receive an award in excess of the Simplified Acquisition Threshold, currently $250,000 (Refer to 2CFR200 Section 200.88). Therefore, the grantee must be aware of the following regarding the Simplified Acquisition Threshold as it will be applicable to any qualifying sub award:
      • That the grantee agency, prior to making a sub-award with a total amount of funds greater than the simplified acquisition threshold, is required to review and consider any information about the applicant that is in the designated integrity and performance system accessible through SAM (currently FAPIIS) (see 41 U.S.C. 2313);
      • That an applicant, at its option, may review information in the designated integrity and performance systems accessible through SAM and comment on any information about itself that the awarding agency previously entered and is currently in the designated integrity and performance system accessible through SAM;
      • That the awarding agency will consider any comments by the applicant, in addition to the other information in the designated integrity and performance system, in making a judgment about the applicant's integrity, business ethics, and record of performance under awards when completing the review of risk posed by applicants as described in §200.205 awarding agency review of risk posed by applicants.

Program Description/Requirements

  1. Program Description
    The Division of Family and Community Services, Office of Community and Positive Youth Development, Bureau of Positive Youth Development administers the Tier 1 MAP Evaluation. Tier 1 MAP is a federal grant through the Department of Health and Human Services. This agreement is intended to provide program data evaluation, performance outcomes, technical assistance, reports, and support program activities.
  2. Program Requirements
    The State is required to monitor and report on performance measures as well as other process and implementation data to make continuous quality improvements and ensure program remains a good fit for the community. The provider will coordinate the evaluation of the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program Tier 1 Map grant, which includes the following:
    1. Train direct service providers on all evaluation and reporting requirements.
    2. Provide technical assistance consultations to providers, as requested and needed.
    3. Update the process evaluation reporting tools, if applicable.
    4. Maintain an online data collection and reporting tool to collect data from providers for the process evaluation and federal reporting needs.
    5. Conduct key staff interviews and provide an aggregated summary.
    6. Manage program observations of classroom sessions, maintain spreadsheet of observation schedule, and conduct observations.
    7. Summarize observation data for review by the Project Team.
    8. Analyze and provide feedback reports of entry/exit surveys to providers and DHS.
    9. Conduct reviews of provider work plans and provide feedback to DHS for each provider.
    10. Develop and disseminate annual reports to providers and DHS staff.
    11. Submit quarterly aggregate reports (i.e., exhibits, population served, quarterly report tables) to DHS regarding provider implementation and evaluation performance.
    12. Submit semi-annual report to DHS regarding provider implementation and evaluation performance.
    13. Submit OPA Performance Measure summary data to OPA per semi-annual schedule.
    14. Attend OPA webinars, trainings, and meetings addressing evaluation requirements.
    15. Attend annual national OPA conference/meeting to support the evaluation needs of the OPA Map program, as requested.
    16. Attend state meetings held for the PREP providers, as requested.
    17. Complete sections for the re-application and submit to federal funding agency.
  3. Performance Measures:
    1. Percent of direct service providers trained on all evaluation and reporting requirements.
    2. Percent of providers that received technical assistance consultations, as requested and needed.
    3. Percent of updates completed to the process evaluation reporting tools, if applicable.
    4. Number of online data collection and reporting tools maintained to collect data from providers for the process evaluation and federal reporting needs.
    5. Percent of key staff interviews conducted and summarized.
    6. Percent of classroom sessions observed, and spreadsheet maintained of observation schedule.
    7. Percent of observation data summarized for review for Project Team.
    8. Percent of entry/exit surveys analyzed, and feedback reports disseminated to providers and DHS.
    9. Percent of work plan reviews conducted, and feedback provided to DHS for each provider.
    10. Percent of annual reports developed and disseminated to providers and DHS staff.
    11. Percent of quarterly aggregate reports (i.e., exhibits, population served, quarterly report tables) submitted to DHS regarding provider implementation and evaluation performance.
    12. Percent of semi-annual reports submitted to DHS regarding provider implementation and evaluation performance.
    13. Percent of OPA Performance Measure summary data submitted to OPA database on semi-annual schedule.
    14. Percent of OPA webinars, training and meetings addressing evaluation requirements attended.
    15. Number of national OPA conferences/meetings attended to support the evaluation needs of the OPA Map program, as requested.
    16. Number of state meetings held for the OPA Map providers attended, as requested.
    17. Percent of sections completed for the federal re-application and submitted to DHS.
  4. Performance Standards
    1. 100% of direct service providers trained on all evaluation and reporting requirements.
    2. 100% of providers received technical assistance consultations, as requested and needed.
    3. 100% of updates to the process evaluation reporting tools were completed, if applicable.
    4. One online data collection and reporting tool maintained to collect data from providers for the process evaluation and federal reporting needs.
    5. 100% of key staff interviews conducted and summarized.
    6. 5% of classroom sessions observed on annual basis and 100% of spreadsheet of observation schedule maintained.
    7. 100% of observation data summarized for review for Project Team.
    8. 100% of entry/exit surveys analyzed and feedback reports disseminated to providers and DHS.
    9. 100% of work plan reviews conducted and feedback provided to DHS for each provider.
    10. 100% of annual reports developed and disseminated to providers and DHS staff.
    11. 100% of quarterly aggregate reports (i.e., exhibits, population served, quarterly report tables) submitted to DHS regarding provider implementation and evaluation performance.
    12. 100% of semi-annual report submitted to DHS regarding provider implementation and evaluation performance.
    13. 100% of OPA Performance Measure summary data submitted to OPA database per semi-annual schedule.
    14. 80% of OPA webinars, training and meetings addressing evaluation requirements attended.
    15. One annual national OPA conference/meeting attended to support the evaluation needs of the OPA Map program, as requested.
    16. One state meeting and quarterly meetings held for the OPA Map providers attended, as requested.
    17. 100% of sections completed for the federal re-application and submitted to DHS.

Additional Requirements

  1. Revisions 
    If necessary, a provider may request a modification to the approved program plan and/or approved Uniform Budget. Modifications or amendments to the program and/budget must be submitted by the provider, in writing utilizing the appropriate forms, and are subject to approval by BPYD prior to formally submitting the revision in the CSA system. 
    Plan and Budget revision requests initiated after May 1st, will NOT be processed. 
    A revision request will be considered initiated when there is dated, written documentation (including email) that the provider has reached out to program to discuss the need for a revision, AND program staff have responded in writing, giving them permission to move forward with the steps necessary to formally revise their plans/budgets.
    Exceptions to the above deadline will be limited, considered on a case-by-case basis, and must be approved in writing by Division leadership.
    1. Program Plan Modifications
      Providers are not allowed to make program plan modifications without pre-approval. Program plan revisions include items such as those that would impact the service delivery model, changes to the specific services offered, etc. Modifications not needing pre-approval include staffing changes.
    2. Uniform Budget Modifications
      Providers are allowed to make discretionary line item transfers within their approved budget without pre-approval from the Department (see article 6.3 of the Uniform Grant Agreement). Budget revisions, other than discretionary line item transfers, must be pre-approved by the Department (see article 6.2 of the Uniform Grant Agreement). Once the Department pre-approves the revision request, the provider will enter the proposed revision into the CSA system to be officially approved. Upon approval, DHS staff will then update the "Approved Budget Tab" of their Expenditure Documentation and Certification Form (EDCF) for submission with their next monthly expenditure report.
  2. Indirect/Direct Administrative and Direct Costs
    In order to charge indirect costs to this grant, the applicant organization must have a Federal or State annually negotiated indirect cost rate agreement (NICRA) or must elect to use the De Minimis Rate. 
    Every organization that receives a state award must make an indirect cost rate proposal or election in the Crowe Activity Review System (CARS), including organizations that are choosing not to claim payment for indirect costs.
    Indirect Cost Rate Election
    1. Federally Negotiated Rate. Organizations that receive direct federal funding may have an indirect cost rate that was negotiated with the Federal Cognizant Agency. Illinois will accept the federally negotiated rate. The organization must provide a copy of the federal NICRA as Attachment 1.
    2. State Negotiated Rate. The organization must negotiate an indirect cost rate with the State of Illinois by completing an indirect cost rate proposal in the CARS system if they do not have Federally Negotiated Rate or elect to use the De Minimis Rate.
    3. De Minimis Rate. An organization that has never received a Federal or State Negotiated Rate may elect a de Minimis rate of 10% of modified total direct cost (MTDC). Once established, the de Minimis rate may be used indefinitely. The State of Illinois must verify the calculation of the MTDC annually in order to accept the de Minimis rate. If programs elect to use the De Minimis rate, is critical that program budgets accurately calculate the MTDC base (see 2 CFR 200.68).
    4. "No Rate": Grantees have discretion not to claim payment for indirect costs. Grantees that elect not to claim indirect costs cannot be reimbursed for indirect costs. The organization must record an election of "No Indirect Costs" into CARS.
      Crowe Activity Review System (CARS).
      CARS will allow your organization to document your already established federally approved indirect cost rate, complete an indirect cost rate proposal (see State Negotiated Rate above), elect to charge the De Minimis rate (10%) of modified total direct costs (MTDC), or select that no reimbursement of indirect costs will be requested. Submission requirements are located on page 2 of the Uniform Budget Template as well as 2 CFR 200 Appendix IV, V & VII.
      1. Organizations which have not previously made an indirect cost rate election must submit an election (and indirect cost rate proposal, if necessary) immediately and no later than 3 months after receiving an award notification or invitation to the CARS system.
      2. Organizations that have previously established an indirect cost rate election must submit a new indirect cost rate election immediately and no later than 6 months after the close of their organization's fiscal year.
      3.  Every organization must make an indirect cost rate election in CARS even if the organization is choosing De Minimis Rate or "no rate". Organizations that do not make an election or submission inside the CARS system within the required timeframes will not be allowed to claim indirect cost reimbursement.
  3. Grant Funds - Use Requirements
    All applicants will use grant funds according to the guidelines, conditions and parameters set forth in this funding notice and in compliance with federal statutes, regulations and the terms and conditions of any applicable federal awards. Please refer to 2 CFR 200 - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, PART 200 Subpart E - Cost Principles to determine the appropriateness of costs.
    1. Allowable/Unallowable Costs
      Allowable costs are those that are necessary and reasonable based on the activity(ies) contained in the Scope of Work, are justified in the Budget Narrative, and are allowable under Subpart E of 2 CFR 200. Funding allocated under these grants is intended to provide direct services to youth. It is expected that administrative costs, both direct and indirect, will represent a small portion of the overall program budget. Any budget deemed to include inappropriate or excessive administrative costs will not be approved. Program budgets and narratives must detail how all proposed expenditures are necessary for program implementation
    2. Unallowable Costs
      Please refer to 2 CFR 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, PART 200 Subpart E Cost Principles to determine the appropriateness of costs. In addition, and specific to this grant, un-allowed costs will also include the following unless otherwise approved in writing by DHS:
      1. Capital Expenditures
      2. Renovations or remodeling
      3. Purchase of a vehicle
      4. Food for staff unless authorized as per diem under the State of Illinois Governor's Travel Control Board.
      5. Deposits for items, services, or space
  4. Simplified Acquisition Threshold
    The Simplified Acquisition Threshold is currently $250,000 (Refer to 2CFR200 Section 200.88). Therefore, the grantee must be aware of the following regarding the Simplified Acquisition Threshold as it will be applicable to any qualifying sub award:
    • That the grantee agency, prior to making a sub-award with a total amount of funds greater than the simplified acquisition threshold, is required to review and consider any information about the applicant that is in the designated integrity and performance system accessible through SAM (currently FABIIS) (see 41 U.S.C. 2313);
    • That an applicant, at its option, may review information in the designated integrity and performance systems accessible through SAM and comment on any information about itself that the awarding agency previously entered and is currently in the designated integrity and performance system accessible through SAM;
    • That the awarding agency will consider any comments by the applicant, in addition to the other information in the designated integrity and performance system, in making a judgment about the applicant's integrity, business ethics, and record of performance under awards when completing the review of risk posed by applicants as described in 200.205 awarding agency review of risk posed by applicants.
  5. Subcontractors
    1. Subcontractor Agreement(s) and budgets must be pre-approved by the Department.
    2. Subcontractor Agreement(s) and budgets must be on file with the Department.
    3. Any subcontractor shall be subject to all provisions of this Agreement.
    4. The Provider shall retain sole responsibility for the performance of the subcontractor.
  6. Monitoring 
    The Provider will provide the Department with requested monitoring and evaluation information and understands that the Department will monitor, audit, and evaluate service and records. Reporting will be as required by the Bureau. Monitoring may include but is not limited to:
    1. On site visits to providers including inspection of client files, fiscal records, and interviews with program staff, contractors, probation staff, county and municipal law enforcement, judges etc.
    2. Telephone monitoring of service via contacts with providers and a sample of youth and families receiving service.
    3. Compliance and Performance Measure reviews.
    4. Periodic audits.
    5. Unannounced visits.
    6. Desk Reviews.
    7. On site Quality Assessment Review visits (every 3 years) to providers including fiscal records, and interviews with program staff, sub-contractors, etc.

Application Instructions

  1. Uniform Application for State Grant Assistance
    Continuation applicants must submit a completed and signed Uniform Application for State Grant  Assistance. The 3 page application may be found at this link.
  2. FY2022 Tier 1 MAP Evaluation Continuation Plan Narrative
    Continuation applicants must submit an application that contains the information outlined  below. Each section must have a heading that corresponds to the headings listed below.  If the Applicant believes that the subject has been adequately addressed in another part of  the application narrative, then a cross-reference to the appropriate part of the narrative  must be provided. This application will become the work plan and budget.
    1. Description of Evaluation Continuation Plan Narrative
      The Project Narrative will provide a comprehensive framework and description of all aspects of the project.
      1.  Describe how your agency will implement the services listed under "Program Description/Requirements" that it is proposing to provide.
      2. For each service:
        1. Describe what activities that will be undertaken to provide the services.
        2. Identify the person/position who will have primary responsibility for that service.
        3. Identify the amount of time anticipated to provide the service
        4. Describe the anticipated impact the provided service will have.
    2. Budget Narrative
      In this section of the application/plan narrative, provide a detailed Budget Narrative of the items allocated within your proposed budget. This will include all funds budget for the program. Identify the source of those funds and detail how the specified resources and personnel are being allocated to ensure the tasks, activities, goals and objectives described in your proposal will be implemented. Illustrate the use of state or federal funds, other than Tier 1 MAP grant funds, that will be used to support the program. If sub-contractors are planned, please also describe how these funds will be utilized to implement the program.
      1. Please restate and provide a response to each of the following questions as part of your FY23 Budget Narrative.
        1. Does your Agency maintain written procedures that minimize the time elapsing between the receipt and disbursement of grant funds?
        2. Does your Agency comply with/meet the financial management standards of 2 CFR 200.302?
        3. Does your Agency anticipate any immediate cash needs to implement this grant?
        4. Does your Agency have sufficient working capital to fully operate the grant program for 2 months beginning July 1, without advance payment, including initial startup costs and normal monthly grant expenses?
    3. FY2023 Tier 1 MAP Continuation Budget
      In addition to the above budget narrative, continuation budgets must be submitted electronically in the CSA system. The Budget entered into the CSA system will also include a narrative or detailed description/justification for each line in the budget and will describe why each expenditure is necessary for program implementation and how you arrived at the particular amount. Please include cost allocations as necessary. This narrative must also clearly identify indirect costs, direct program costs, and direct administrative costs within each line item as appropriate. The Budget (including MTDC base exclusions as appropriate) should clearly describe how the specified resources and personnel have been allocated for the tasks and activities described in your plan. The Budget should be electronically signed and submitted in the CSA system. The Budget must be signed by the Provider's Chief Executive Officer and/or Chief Financial Officer. 
      Please note, your FY 2023 contract will not be processed until your budget has been reviewed AND approved. It is critical that the budget submitted is as detailed as possible.

Application Submission Instructions

  1. Submission Format, Location and Deadline
    1. Applications must be received at the location below no later than 12:00 p.m. (noon) on May 6, 2022. The application container will be electronically time-stamped upon receipt. The Department will ONLY accept applications submitted by electronic mail sent to DHS.YouthServicesInfo@Illinois.gov  and copy mary.d.white@illinois.gov . The subject line of the email MUST state: "23-444-80-2457 Tier 1 MAP - Mary White". Applications will NOT be accepted if received by fax machine, hard copy, disk or thumb drive.
    2. All applicants are strongly encouraged to submit the completed grant application (single PDF document) to DHS.YouthServicesInfo@Illinois.gov utilizing the CMS File Transfer Utility located at https://filet.illinois.gov/filet/PIMupload.asp . This will ensure large documents are able to cross firewalls and will provide you with a transmission receipt. Please follow the instructions to attach your application. Don't forget the subject line above.
    3. To be considered, proposals must be submitted to DHS.YouthServicesInfo@illinois.gov by the designated date and time listed above. For your records, please keep a copy of your submission with the date and time the application was submitted along with the email address to which it was sent. The deadline will be strictly enforced.
  2. Proposal Format Requirements
    1. All applications must be typed on 8 1/2 x 11-inch paper using 12-point type and at 100% magnification. With the exception of letterhead and stationery for letter(s) of support, the entire application should be typed in black ink on white paper. The application must be typed single-spaced, on one side of the page, with 1-inch margins on all sides. The applications must not exceed 15 pages, including the Description of Services, and Budget Narrative. The Uniform Application for State Grant Assistance, Attachments, Appendices, Uniform Budget Template/Narrative forms are NOT included in the page limitation.
    2. The entire application, including attachments, must be sequentially page numbered and compiled in the order specified below. The complete application must be submitted in a single PDF document to DHS.YouthServicesInfo@illinois.gov  and copy mary.d.white@illinois.gov  The subject line of the email MUST state: "23-444-80-2457 Tier 1 MAP - Mary White". Applications will ONLY be accepted by email as described herein. Hard copies, faxed copies, copies on disk or thumb drive etc. will not be accepted.
      The Department is under no obligation to accept applications that do not comply with the above requirements.
    3. ALL Applications MUST include the following mandatory forms/attachments in the order identified below.
      1. A Screenshot or statement indicating the applicants has completed Pre-Qualification steps and is currently Pre-Qualified.
      2. Statement indicating the ICQ and PRA have been completed
      3. Signed Uniform Application for State Grant Assistance
      4. Continuation Proposal Narrative
        1. Narrative Plan/Description of Services
        2. Budget Narrative
        3. Attachments to Your Application
          • Attachment A1 -Copy of Federal Form W9 for the Applicant Agency
          • Attachment A2 - Copy of currently approved NICRA if indirect costs are included.
      5. Uniform Grant Budget - The proposed budget must be entered, signed and submitted in CSA and is required for the application to be considered complete. A hard copy of this signed and submitted budget must be included with the application.
  3. Unique entity identifier and System for Award Management (SAM)
    Each applicant is required to: (i) Be registered in SAM before submitting its application; (ii) provide a valid unique entity identifier in its application; and (iii) continue to maintain an active SAM registration with current information at all times during which it has an active award or an application or plan under consideration by the Department. The Department may not make an award to an applicant until the applicant has complied with all applicable unique entity identifier and SAM requirements and, if an applicant has not fully complied with the requirements by the time the Department is ready to make an award, the Department may determine that the applicant is not qualified to receive an award and use that determination as a basis for making an award to another applicant. Please refer to Section C. Eligibility Information & Grant Funding Requirements for additional information and detail regarding SAM.
  4. Intergovernmental Review
    This funding opportunity is NOT subject to Executive Order 12372, "Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs,".
  5. Funding Restrictions
    The applicant must develop a budget consistent with program requirements as described in Section II. Program Description and in accordance with Section I.B.2.Grant Funds Use Requirements.
    The Department will not allow reimbursement of pre-award costs under this funding opportunity.

Award Administration Information

  1. State Award Notices.
    Providers recommended for continued funding under this Notice of Funding Opportunity following the above review will receive a Notice of State Award (NOSA). The NOSA shall include:
    • Grant award amount
    • The terms and condition of the award.
    • Specific conditions assigned to the grantee based on the fiscal and administrative and programmatic risk assessments.
      Upon acceptance of the grant award, announcement of the grant award shall be published by the awarding agency to Grants.Illinois.gov
      A written Notice of Denial shall be sent to the Providers not receiving awards.
      The NOSA must be signed by the grants officer (or equivalent). This signature effectively accepts the state award amount and all conditions set forth within the notice. This signed NOSA is the document authorizing the Department to proceed with issuing an agreement. The Agency signed NOSA must be remitted to the Department as instructed in the notice.
  2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements.
    The agency awarded funds shall provide services as set forth in the DHS grant agreement and shall act in accordance with all state and federal statutes and administrative rules applicable to the provision of the services. The agency awarded funds through this Funding Notice must further agree to comply with all applicable provisions of state and federal laws and regulations pertaining to nondiscrimination, sexual harassment and equal employment opportunity including, but not limited to: The Illinois Human Rights Act (775 ILCS 5/1-101 et seq.), The Public Works Employment Discrimination Act (775 ILCS 10/1 et seq.), The United States Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as amended) (42 USC 2000a-and 2000H-6), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 USC 794), The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 USC 12101 et seq.), and The Age Discrimination Act (42 USC 6101 et seq.). Additional terms and conditions may apply.
  3. Required Reporting
    1. The Provider will submit monthly expenditure documentation forms in the format prescribed by the Department. The Expenditure Documentation forms must be submitted no later than the 30th of each month for the preceding month by email.
    2. Quarterly data reports will be pulled from the HUB data system on or after the 15th of each month. Those data reports are:
      1. Performance Progress Report (PPR)
      2. Aggregate reports (e.g. recipients served, surveys completed, etc.)
      3. All data to the Administration for Children and Families
      4. Any other reports prescribed by the Department
    3. Quarterly Narrative and Performance data reports will be submitted by email in a format prescribed by the Department, no later than the 30th of the month immediately following the quarter for the preceding quarter.
    4. Year-End Financial, Narrative and Performance Data reports will be submitted by email in a format prescribed by the Department, no later than 30 days following the end of the fiscal year.
    5. Additional annual performance data may be collected as directed by the Department and in a format prescribed by the Department.
  4. Payment Terms
    1. Payment Determination
      1. Applicants identified as low risk on the ICQ: Applicants identified as low-risk will receive monthly advance payments. An initial 2/12 of the Award amount will be issued upon execution of the agreement; and may be rounded to the nearest $100.00. Subsequent payments will be issued, after reconciling all current and previously reported expenditures, ensuring the Applicant maintains a 1/12 rolling advance.
      2. Applicants identified as Medium to High Risk on the ICQ:
        An annual determination will be made regarding the need for a working capital advance. This determination will be made based on information submitted by the applicant as part of the FY21 Grant Application/Plan process. Applicants will be placed in one of the following payment categories:
        1. For applicants that indicate insufficient working capital to fully operate the grant program for 2 months beginning July 1, will receive an initial working capital advance payment of 2/12 of the Award amount upon execution of the agreement; and may be rounded to the nearest $100.00. Subsequent payments will be issued on a reimbursement basis and will consider all previously submitted and documented expenditures.
        2. For applicants that indicate sufficient working capital to fully operate the grant program for 2 months beginning July 1, grant payments will be issued on a reimbursement basis that will consider all previously submitted and documented expenditures.
    2. The Department will compare, as applicable, the amount of the initial advance/working capital payment made to date with the documented expenditures provided to the Department by the Applicant. 
      1. Applicants identified as low risk on the ICQ: In the event the documented services provided by the Applicant do not justify the level of award being provided to the Applicant, future payments may be withheld or reduced until such time as the services documentation provided by the Applicant equals the amounts previously provided to the Applicant to ensure each payment advanced does not exceed 1/12 cash-on-hand. Failure of the Applicant to provide timely, accurate and sufficiently detailed documentation will result in delayed payments and may result in a reduction to the total award.
      2. Applicants identified as Medium to High Risk on the ICQ: In the event the documented services provided by the Applicant do not justify the level of award being provided to the Applicant, future payments may be withheld or reduced until such time as the services documentation provided by the Applicant equals the amounts previously provided to the Applicant. Failure of the Applicant to provide timely, accurate and sufficiently detailed documentation will result in delayed payments and may result in a reduction to the total award.
    3. The final payment from the Department under this Agreement shall be made upon the Department's determination that all requirements under this Agreement have been completed, which determination shall not be unreasonably withheld. Such final payment will be subject to adjustment after the completion of a review of the Applicant's records as provided in the Agreement.
    4. In the event payments made by the Department to the Applicant exceed the total amount of Applicant reported and Department authorized expenditures, the Applicant will be required to issue a repayment to the Department in an amount equal to the overpayment.
  5. State Awarding Agency Contact(s)
    If you have questions relating to this Continuation Funding Notice, please send them via email to: DHS.YouthServicesInfo@Illinois.gov  and copy mary.d.white@illinois.gov  with "Tier 1 MAP FUNDING NOTICE - Mary White" in the subject line of the email.