WAG 06-11-01-d

Central Office (CO) 238, which is part of the DHS Bureau of Local Office Transactions and Support Services (LOTS) serves as Department liaison with the Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC), and the HFS Bureau of Professional and Ancillary Services (BPAS) for children who are applying for or receiving services through the MFTD Waiver Program.
Inter-agency roles are as follows:
- DSCC accepts applications for the MFTD waiver and provides case management services.
- The HFS Bureau of Professional and Ancillary Services (BPAS) determines if the child is at risk of institutionalization due to his or her medical condition.
- DHS CO 238 determines Medicaid eligiblity, processes medical applications, and ensures that the child has been determined disabled according to SSA standards.
Medical cases for MFTD waiver children are approved and maintained in CO 238 unless they are included in a DCFS or TANF case.
Do not take any action to affect a child's medical eligiblity under CO 238 unless requested to do so by CO 238.
CO 238 maintains coding on an adult's TANF case to indicate that they are caring for a child approved for the MFTD waiver.
Notify CO 238 when a waiver child loses eligibility for TANF. CO 238 will determine continuing eligibility for medical assistance in an CO 238 case.
The following policies apply to the adult caregiver's TANF assistance: