Early Childhood - Grants & Program Support - GRF

Appropriation Name CY Approp. CY Adj. CY Est. Exp. BY Adj. BY Request
Personal Services $785.7 $785.7
Social Security $60.1 $60.1
Subtotal $845.8 $845.8
Child Care Services $410,599.0 ($110,599.0) $300,000.0 $110,599.0 $410,599.0
Early Intervention Program $108,891.9 $108,891.9 $108,891.9
Parents Too Soon $6,870.3 $6,870.3 $6,870.3
Healthy Families $10,040.0 $10,040.0 $16.0 $10,056.0
Subtotal $536,401.2 ($110,599.0) $425,802.2 $110,615.0 $536,417.2
Total Appropriation $536,401.2 ($110,599.0) $425,802.2 $111,460.8 $537,263.0
CY Adjustments Description Amount
Child Care Services FY22 estimated lapse due to childcare liability projections ($110,599.0)
BY Adjustments Description Amount
Personal Services Personal Services pricing adjustment and funding for FY23 COLA and Steps $785.7
Social Security Funding for FY23 at 7.65% $60.1
Child Care Services Restoration of FY23 funding to FY22 appropriation $110,599.0
Healthy Families Personal Services pricing adjustment, including annualization of FY22 COLA and Steps and funding for FY23 COLA and Steps $16.0