DHS Operations & Community - All Funds

Appropriation Name CY Approp. CY Adj. CY Est. Exp. BY Adj. BY Request
GATA Technical Assistance and Navigation $500.0 $500.0 $500.0
Local Healthy Foods Incentive $500.0 $500.0 $500.0
Access to Justice Resurrection Project $7,000.0 $7,000.0 ($2,000.0) $5,000.0
Access to Justice The West Side Justice Center $7,000.0 $7,000.0 ($2,000.0) $5,000.0
Illinois Migrant Council $90.0 $90.0 $90.0
COVID Transfer to the DHS State Projects Fund (324) $40,000.0 $40,000.0 $10,000.0 $50,000.0
COVID Transfer to the DHS State Projects Fund (324) $80,000.0 ($55,000.0) $25,000.0 $30,000.0 $55,000.0
Public Assistance Grants for Private Non-profits (592) $50,000.0 $50,000.0 $50,000.0
DHS Operations Ord and Con including COVID (642) $80,000.0 $20,000.0 $100,000.0 ($20,000.0) $80,000.0
Subtotal $265,090.0 ($35,000.0) $230,090.0 $16,000.0 $246,090.0
Total Appropriation $265,090.0 ($35,000.0) $230,090.0 $16,000.0 $246,090.0
CY Adjustments Description Amount
COVID Transfer to the DHS State Projects Fund (324) Adjustment for estimated FY22 lapse ($55,000.0)
DHS Operations Ord and Con including COVID (642) Supplemental appropriation to support DHS COVID-19 costs $20,000.0
BY Adjustments Description Amount
Access to Justice Resurrection Project Reduced to FY21 appropriation level ($2,000.0)
Access to Justice The West Side Justice Center Reduced to FY21 appropriation level ($2,000.0)
COVID Transfer to the DHS State Projects Fund (324) Increase in appropriation authority for ARPA funded DHS COVID operational costs $10,000.0
COVID Transfer to the DHS State Projects Fund (324) Adjustment for FY23 reappropriation of FY22 estimated unexpended amount $30,000.0
DHS Operations Ord and Con including COVID (642) Reduced to FY21 appropriation level ($20,000.0)