Home Services Program - All Funds

Appropriation Name CY Approp. CY Adj. CY Est. Exp. BY Adj. BY Request
Personal Services $292.5 $292.5 $187.8 $480.3
Social Security $22.4 $22.4 $14.3 $36.7
Subtotal $314.9 $314.9 $202.1 $517.0
Community Reintegration
Home Services Program $653,599.6 $31,400.0 $684,999.6 $97,772.8 $782,772.4
Home Services Program (Medicaid Fund 120) $256,000.0 $256,000.0 $256,000.0
Subtotal $909,599.6 $31,400.0 $940,999.6 $97,772.8 $1,038,772.4
Total Appropriation $909,914.5 $31,400.0 $941,314.5 $97,974.9 $1,039,289.4
CY Adjustments Description Amount
Home Services Program Supplemental needed to expend federal enhanced FMAP and support other program liability growth $31,400.0
BY Adjustments Description Amount
Personal Services Personal Services pricing adjustment, including annualization of FY22 COLA and Steps and funding for FY23 COLA and Steps $187.8
Social Security Annualization at 7.65% $14.3
Home Services Program Request includes $96,400.0 for FY22 Annualization and FY23 Caseload Growth (75 net new a month), Individual Provider rate increases of $0.50 per hour effective 7/1/22 and $0.75 per hour effective 12/1/22, and increased cost for Health Insurance and enhanced FMAP spending; $772.8 for Personal Services pricing adjustments and $600.0 for a $0.70 per hour increase in the Homemaker rate effective 1/1/23 $97,772.8