Substance Use Prevention & Recovery - GRF

Appropriation Name CY Approp. CY Adj. CY Est. Exp. BY Adj. BY Request
Personal Services $1,523.3 $1,523.3 $260.0 $1,783.3
Social Security $116.5 $116.5 $19.9 $136.4
Subtotal $1,639.8 $1,639.8 $279.9 $1,919.7
Contractual $1.4 $1.4 $1.4
Travel $1.5 $1.5 $1.5
Equipment $1.1 $1.1 $1.1
Telecommunications $25.0 $25.0 $25.0
Subtotal $29.0 $29.0 $29.0
Addiction Treat/Medicaid Eligible $16,316.4 $16,316.4 ($5,795.3) $10,521.1
Addiction Treatment Services $43,688.8 $43,688.8 $9,820.1 $53,508.9
DCFS Clients $5,757.2 $5,757.2 $45.2 $5,802.4
Addiction Prevention Related Services $1,263.8 $1,263.8 $410.2 $1,674.0
Addiction Treatment-Spec Pop $6,106.7 $6,106.7 ($8.5) $6,098.2
Pilot Program Opioid Dependents $500.0 $500.0 $500.0
Subtotal $73,632.9 $73,632.9 $4,471.7 $78,104.6
Total Appropriation $75,301.7 $75,301.7 $4,751.6 $80,053.3
BY Adjustments Description Amount
Personal Services Personal Services pricing adjustment, including annualization of FY22 COLA and Steps and funding for FY23 COLA and Steps $260.0
Social Security Annualization at 7.65% $19.9
Addiction Treat/Medicaid Eligible Realignment of Addiction Treatment funds between Medicaid and non-Medicaid based on liability ($6,000.0), annualization of FY22 2% COLA for minimum wage increase $101.5 and FY23 2% COLA effective 1/1/23 $103.2 ($5,795.3)
Addiction Treatment Services Realignment of Addiction Treatment funds between Medicaid and non-Medicaid based on liability $6,000.0, annualization of FY22 COLA for minimum wage increase $1,869.3 and FY23 2% COLA effective 1/1/23 $1,950.8 $9,820.1
DCFS Clients Annualization of the FY22 2% COLA for minimum wage increase $22.6, and FY23 2% COLA effective 1/1/23 $22.6 $45.2
Addiction Prevention Related Services Annualization of the FY22 2% COLA for minimum wage $162.6, personal services pricing adjustment $80.0 and FY23 2% COLA effective 1/1/23 $167.6 $410.2
Addiction Treatment-Spec Pop Annualization of the FY22 2% COLA for minimum wage increase $31.1, personal services pricing adjustment ($70.7) and FY23 2% COLA effective 1/1/23 $31.1 ($8.5)