Rehabilitation Services Bureaus - All Funds

Appropriation Name CY Approp. CY Adj. CY Est. Exp. BY Adj. BY Request
Personal Services $43,685.8 $43,685.8 $1,532.3 $45,218.1
Retirement $24,638.8 $24,638.8 $738.5 $25,377.3
Social Security $3,465.0 $3,465.0 $98.6 $3,563.6
Group Insurance $15,821.7 $15,821.7 ($2,076.5) $13,745.2
Subtotal $87,611.3 $87,611.3 $292.9 $87,904.2
Contractual $8,689.8 $8,689.8 $8,689.8
Travel $1,455.9 $1,455.9 $1,455.9
Commodities $313.2 $313.2 $313.2
Printing $150.1 $150.1 $150.1
Equipment $1,669.9 $1,669.9 $1,669.9
Telecommunications $1,493.2 $1,493.2 $1,493.2
Op of Automotive $30.0 $30.0 $30.0
Subtotal $13,802.1 $13,802.1 $13,802.1
Independent Living Centers $5,071.2 $5,071.2 $1,287.7 $6,358.9
Independent Living Older Blind $146.1 $146.1 $146.1
DRS Federal Match for Supported Employment and related Programs $90.0 $90.0 $90.0
State Match to Support Federal Vocational Rehabilitation Programs $11,450.9 $11,450.9
State Match to Support Federal Vocational Rehabilitation Programs (036) $16,690.3 $16,690.3 ($9,807.4) $6,882.9
Federal Vocational Rehabilitation Programs, including Case Services to Individuals (081) $65,000.0 $65,000.0 $65,000.0
Supported Empl-Implement Title VI Part C (081) $1,900.0 $1,900.0 $1,600.0 $3,500.0
Independent Living Centers (081) $5,807.2 $5,807.2 $5,807.2
Federal Assistive Technology Act Services (081) $1,050.0 $1,050.0 $6,950.0 $8,000.0
Business Enterprise Program for the Blind (081) $3,527.3 $3,527.3 $172.7 $3,700.0
Independent Living Older Blind (081) $3,045.5 $3,045.5 $3,045.5
Subtotal $102,327.6 $102,327.6 $11,653.9 $113,981.5
Total Appropriation $203,741.0 $203,741.0 $11,946.8 $215,687.8
BY Adjustments Description Amonut
Personal Services Personal Services pricing adjustment, including annualization of FY22 COLA and Steps and funding for FY23 COLA and Steps $1,532.3
Retirement Annualization at 56.122% $738.5
Social Security Annualization at 7.65% $98.6
Group Insurance Annualization at $24.7K per employee ($2,076.5)
Independent Living Centers Restore GRF funds for Federal Match, one-time shift off GRF to other state fund in FY22 $1,049.1 and annualization of FY22 2% COLA $119.3 $1,287.7
State Match to Support Federal Vocational Rehabilitation Programs Restore GRF funds for Federal Match, one-time shift off GRF to other state fund in FY22, $8,950.9 and additional $2,500.0 in state match for federal VR program $11,450.9
State Match to Support Federal Vocational Rehabilitation Programs (036) Case Services liability shift from GRF onto other state funds ($9,807.4)
Independent Living Centers (081) Request additional authority to expend available revenues $1,600.0
Federal Assistive Technology Act Services (081) Request additional authority to expend available revenues $6,950.0
Business Enterprise Program for the Blind (081) Request additional authority to expend available revenues $172.7