Rehabilitation Services Bureaus - GRF

Appropriation Name CY Approp. CY Adj. CY Est. Exp. BY Adj. BY Request
Independent Living Centers $5,071.2 $5,071.2 $1,287.7 $6,358.9
Independent Living Older Blind $146.1 $146.1 $146.1
DRS Federal Match for Employment Related Grants $90.0 $90.0 $90.0
State Match to Support Federal Vocational Rehabilitation Programs $11,450.9 $11,450.9
Subtotal $5,307.3 $5,307.3 $12,738.6 $18,045.9
Total Appropriation $5,307.3 $5,307.3 $12,738.6 $18,045.9
BY Adjustments Description Amount
Independent Living Centers Restore GRF funds for Federal Match, one-time shift off GRF to other state fund in FY22 $1,049.1, annualization of FY22 2% COLA $119.3 and 2% COLA for minimum wage $119.3 $1,287.7
State Match to Support Federal Vocational Rehabilitation Programs Restore GRF funds for Federal Match, one-time shift off GRF to other state fund in FY22, $8,950.9 and additional $2,500.0 in state match for federal VR program $11,450.9