Ligas Class Members Cumulative History (Active and Inactive)

Updated 11/7/2023

Summary by Selection Detail by Age Group

Reason for PUNS or PUNS Update Adults Young Adults
Total Total
New 500 562
Annual Update 3494 2069
Change of category (Emergency, Planning or Critical) 155 90
Change of service needs (more or less) - unchanged category (Emergency, Planning or Critical) 226 152
Other, supports till needed 1105 703
 Sub Total 5480 3576
Person is fully served or is not requesting any supports within the next five (5) years 69 3
Moved to another state, close PUNS 3 1
Person withdraws, close PUNS 4 1
Deceased 5
Other, close PUNS 38
Sub Total 119 5
Individual Moved to ICF/DD
Individual Determined Clinically Ineligible 1
Incorrect SSN
Submitted in error 5
Unable to locate 9 2
Sub Total 15 2
Total 5004 3583