May 20, 2022 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Executive Committee Meeting


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Executive Committee Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


May 20, 2022

9:30am to 11:30am


Meetings are held via zoom

Zoom Meeting information

Call in number: (312) 626-6799

Meeting ID: 831 3300 2042

Meeting Passcode: 108515


  1. Call to order/Roll call
  2. DHS Updates
  3. Redeploy Illinois FY23 Budget Discussion
  4. Adjourn

Upcoming meetings/events:

  • Full RIOB Meeting: Friday, June 17th, 2022
  • Executive Committee Meeting: Friday, July 15th, 2022 (if necessary)

Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order/Roll call
    Secretary Grace Hou called the meeting to order at 9:30 am and invited Kristen Marshall to call the roll.
    Roll Call: Grace Hou Present, Janet Ahern Present, Peter Parry Present, Anne Studzinski Present, George Timberlake Not Present, Paula Wolff Present
    Staff: Erica Hughes, Esther Kaplan, Kristen Marshall, Susie Schoenrock
    Guests: Delrice Adams, MaryAnn Dyar, John Johnson, Krish Mohip
  2. DHS Updates
    Secretary Hou announced that the legislature increased DHS' appropriation for FY23 which is a testament to the hard work of DHS staff and Redeploy Board Members.
  3. Redeploy Illinois FY23 Budget Discussion
    Secretary Hou invited Ms. Marshall to lead the discussion. Ms. Marshall introduced the FY23 financial summary, which provides a projection for the spending of FY23 sites, the training and TA contract, the ORBIS contract, and planning grants. All projected amounts are estimates and are not final budget amounts. Redeploy received additional funding with an appropriation of $14,373,600. Approved applications and budgets will be sent in the following week, and exact budget amounts will be shared at the June meeting.
    The FY23 financial summary proposed the following:
    1. $4,921,380 was allocated for established sites and $629,231 for new sites (Sangamon County and Lake County.
    2. Nothing was included in the budget for FY23 planning grant Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs)
    3. $2,294,460 was allocated for new planning grant NOFOs in Peoria, Champaign, and Cook County
    4. $175,000 was allocated for the ORBIS contract
    5. $321,500 was allocated for the Youth Services and TA contract with ICOY
    6. $24,961 was allocated for DHS staff and interns
    7. $8,366,533 was the total FY23 requested amount
      Any additional money that the program has available is reserved for additional planning grants that come up throughout the year
      Ms. Marshall opened the floor for questions and comments.
      Peter Parry shared updates on Cook County's planning process. The county's Redeploy committee recently met with the Chief Judge's Chief Financial Officer (CFO) to discuss a program budget. Cook County anticipated requesting $1,400,000 for all four calendars and Mr. Parry emphasized the importance of remaining cautious with their projections of how many youths they will serve. Currently, Cook County is projected to serve thirty to forty youth per calendar, which amounts to one hundred and twenty to one hundred and sixty youth per year. They are on track to submit their application in early July.
      Vice-chair Anne Studzinski recapped that Peoria and Champaign County will both receive a small amount of money in July to finish up their planning phase. Shortly after, Redeploy will receive an application for services for the remainder of the fiscal year. Redeploy will not know what each county's true costs are going to be until the application is received. In FY23, Cook County will present Redeploy with an application for services. Since they did not request funding for their planning work, the first document the Board will receive is their program application. Ms. Hughes added that single county sites tend to spend similar amounts of money. The same is true for circuit-level sites. In the creation of the FY23 budget, the budget requests for single county sites were averaged and $427,230 was projected for implementation of their plans. Ms. Studzinski suggested that Cook County provide a summary of their findings from the planning process since they do not have a planning grant report. Ms. Marshall agreed to reach out to Cook County for both a planning phase summary and clarification as to whether their budget of $1,400,000 is for ten months or a full year.
      Ms. Wolff shifted the conversation towards Redeploy's contract with ORBIS. ORBIS is responsible for redesigning YASI, creating a new case management system for program sites, and designing a new data collection system for the program. Ms. Wolff suggested that the Board formalize a process evaluation of ORBIS' work and the implementation of the new assessment matrix. This effort could help create the foundation for an outcome evaluation in the future. Secretary Hou clarified that a NOFO process would not be required since the organization conducting the evaluation would be providing a service as an extension of Redeploy, therefore they would be considered a contract. Ms. Wolff suggested the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) or a public university as potential options for the evaluation project. Ms. Wolff emphasized the importance of including families' perspectives in the design of ORBIS' contract in order to successfully evaluate whether their lives have been improved or harmed by Redeploy's work with youth. Ms. Studzinski concluded that this topic of discussion will be included in June's Board meeting.
      Motion: Secretary Hou called for a motion to approve the FY23 budget and move forward with FY23 contracts and providers. Ms. Studzinski moved approval. Ms. Wolff seconded the motion. No abstentions. No opposition. Motion carried.
      After the conclusion of the FY23 budget discussion, Ms. Hughes mentioned that Rock Island still needs to be brought on board with Redeploy. There has been interest on the social service side, but not on the court system side. John Johnson agreed to contact the Chief Adult Probation Officer in Rock Island to gauge how many youths are coming through there. Contacting the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice (IDJJ) for data was also identified as a possible action step.
  4. Adjourn
    Secretary Hou called for a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:30 am. Ms. Studzinski moved approval. Ms. Wolff seconded the motion. No abstentions. No opposition. Motion carried.
    Secretary Hou and Ms. Studzinski will not be present at the next meeting.

Upcoming meetings/events:

  • Full RIOB Meeting: Friday, June 24h, 2022
  • Executive Committee Meeting: Friday, July 15th, 2022 (if necessary)