June 24, 2022 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Meeting


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


Meeting rescheduled for Friday, June 24, 2022

9:30am to 11:30am


Meetings are held via Zoom 

Call in number: (312) 626-6799

Meeting ID: 810 1283 0597

Meeting Passcode: 874632

Meeting Link:


Meeting Agenda

  1. Call to order/Roll call
  2. DHS Updates
  3. Approval of Minutes - April 15th RIOB meeting
  4. Executive Committee Meeting report - Approval of minutes May 17th, 2022
  5. Redeploy Illinois FY23 Redeploy Illinois Applications review and approval
  6. Redeploy Illinois Process and Outcome Evaluations discussion
  7. Planning Grant Update
  8. Orbis Project Update
  9. Adjourn

Upcoming meetings/events:

  • Data Work Group Meeting: Tuesday, July 5th, 2022
  • Executive Committee Meeting (if necessary): Friday, July 15th, 2022
  • Full Board Meeting: Friday, August 19th, 2022

Meeting Minutes

Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board

Friday June 24th, 9:30 am to 11:30 am

Virtual Meeting

  1. Call to Order/Roll Call
    Secretary Grace Hou called the meeting to order at 9:30 am and invited Kristen Marshall to call the roll.
    Roll Call: Secretary Grace Hou, Delrice Adams, Janet Ahern, Walter Brandon, Elizabeth Clarke, Grace Hou, Krish Mohip, Heidi Mueller (joined late), John Johnson, John Rekowski, Tracy Senica, Rick Velasquez.
    Not present: Avik Das, Dan Hunt, Peter Parry, Anne Studzinski, George Timberlake, Paula Wolff
    Staff: Erica Hughes, Esther Kaplan, Kristen Marshall, Susie Schoenrock
    Guests: Mandy Bracken, MaryAnn Dyar, Garien Gatewood (joined late), Colleen Sheehan, R Sanchez
  2. DHS Updates
    Secretary Hou shared that the Department of Human Services (DHS) is continuing to advance their work with the Office of Firearm Prevention. Additionally, under the leadership of Karrie Rueter (DHS) and Delrice Adams (Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority - ICJIA), DHS issued a new process of grant-making. Organizations can now apply for rolling Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFO) when the time is right for them, which will provide a more equitable playing field. DHS has significantly increased funding to support violence prevention workers across the state.
    Approval of Minutes - April 15th RIOB Meeting
    Motion: Secretary Hou called for a motion to approve the minutes from the RIOB meeting on April 15, 2022, and the minutes from the RIOB Executive Committee meeting on May 20, 2022. Elizabeth Clarke moved approval of the minutes. Delrice Adams seconded the motion. No abstentions. No opposition. Motion carried.
  3. 5/20/2022 Executive Committee Meeting Report
    Secretary Hou invited Ms. Marshall to report on the Executive Committee meeting. Ms. Marshall reminded the members that they are always welcome at Executive Committee meetings. At the most recent meeting, committee members discussed the FY23 budget. Redeploy received additional funding with an appropriation of $14,373,600.
    The FY23 financial summary proposed the following: Amount Purpose, $4,921,380 To continue established sites, $629,231 New sites (Sangamon County and Lake County), $0 FY23 planning grant Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFO's), $2,294,460 New sites currently under development (Champaign, Peoria), $175,000 ORBIS contract, $321,500 Youth Services technical assistance contract with ICOY, Total: $8,366,533 (Total allocation including DHS staff and interns) Any additional money that the program has available is reserved for trainings for Redeploy sites and additional planning grants that come up throughout the year.
  4. Redeploy Illinois FY23 Applications Review and Approval
    Secretary Hou invited Ms. Marshall to begin the discussion. Ms. Marshall pointed out that application summaries for all Redeploy sites were sent out to Board members the previous week. Many sites are asking for additional funding for FY23 to assist with an increase in staff and higher costs for contractors. Additional funding is also requested to address the new matrix and expand current services into additional counties throughout the circuit level sites. Ms. Marshall invited Erica Hughes to continue sharing information related to the applications.
    Ms. Hughes noted an increase in the sites' use of Wraparound services, but it is not clear what kind of training has been provided on Wraparound service implementation. Not all sites addressed the social media questions in their applications, so this topic needs further examination. Crimes being committed with weapons showed up as an issue across all sites, but there are differences between urban versus rural weapon charges. Many sites are now providing services to sex offenders and are intervening before any adjudications occur. Ms. Hughes shared that staff is planning to meet with Macon County to ensure that they understand Redeploy's limited role with detained youth. There was a change of leadership in Sangamon County and Ms. Hughes is in touch with the new staff member to determine any changes that need to be made to their application. Ms. Hughes asked the members if they had questions.
    Judge Walter Brandon noticed that the 13th Circuit spent 81% of its funds as of May and wondered if this spending relates to the increase in the number of youths served with sexual-related offenses. Additionally, he questioned why all youths did not receive psychological evaluations. Ms. Hughes explained that psychological evaluations are not automatically given to all Redeploy youth. Sex offender services include assessment and evaluation prior to treatment. The 13th Circuit's spending was at 81% as of May since they were able to provide services to youth and spend their money within the FY22 budget. They were also one of the few agencies that were not requesting funds for additional staff.
    Ms. Clarke stated that the Board needs more information from sites on admissions to detention for youth under the age of thirteen. Admission numbers for sites with detention centers have gone down. Ms. Clarke stated that at a Juvenile Justice Leadership Luncheon, the Chief Judge in Winnebago County shared that they cannot stop holding youth under the age of thirteen when local service providers (CCBYS) do not answer the phone. In the coming year, the Board must focus on ensuring that these systems are in place, especially for emergency behavioral health services.
    Ms. Clarke expressed concern about invasion of privacy as it relates to probation's monitoring of social media throughout the state. Ms. Clarke suggested that Redeploy sites work on connecting with local community colleges to provide training to youth on the appropriate use of social media.
    Rick Velasquez noted that some sites asked for more funding but did not show an increase in the number of youths being served. There is also an imbalance in the proportionality of the types of services being provided; some sites have high rates of clinical mental health services but no positive youth development activities. Moreover, Mr. Velasquez stated his concern regarding the standard of care for sex offender services and prioritizing family engagement. Mr. Velazquez identified the counties that place probation and clinicians in dual roles and recognized that this is not an effective way to serve youth. Finally, he noted that Sangamon's medical model may not be responsive to the needs of the community.
    In response to these concerns, Ms. Hughes explained that there are multiple agencies that provide clinical services in circuit-level sites, each agency serving several different counties within the circuit, which might make it appear that there are more clinical services than other sites. Ms. Hughes agreed that sex offender services need more exploration. She pointed out that more Redeploy programs are moving outside of court houses and into neutral spaces, collaborating with community organizations, and hiring staff with lived experiences in the justice system.
    Janet Ahern mentioned that some counties need an increase in social and educational support services. Some education around providing holistic services may be needed for certain counties, specifically for the probation-led models. Ms. Adams noted that Macon and Sangamon County both had a high rate per youth cost and no trauma-centered services. Ms. Adams emphasized the importance of data collection surrounding the issue of armed youth and using data to identify strategies to address youth who carry weapons. Ms. Adams stated The Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) is an ineffective deterrent.
    Closing out the discussion, Judge Colleen Sheehan mentioned that she is working on building relationships with judges by visiting each jurisdiction to discuss what kind of community support is available.
    Motion: Secretary Hou called for a motion to approve the recommended allocations for FY23. Mr. Velasquez moved approval. Heidi Mueller seconded the motion. No abstentions. No opposition. Motion carried.
  5. Redeploy Illinois Process and Outcome Evaluations
    Secretary Hou invited Ms. Marshall to provide background on the item. She reported that at the May Executive Committee meeting, there was a consensus that a process evaluation of the implementation of the matrix and accompanying screening, case management and data collection systems should be conducted. This effort will help create the foundation for outcome evaluations in the future. Among the organizations that could conduct a process evaluation are Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) or a public university. The discussion was tabled until Paula Wolff could participate, as her input was requested.
  6. Planning Grant Update
    Secretary Hou invited Ms. Marshall to share updates on planning grants. The planning grant sites include Cook County, Champaign County, and Peoria County. Peter Perry reported that Cook County's team will provide a planning grant summary at the August Board meeting. Cook County's committee will interview service providers the week of June 27, 2022 and will consult with DHS before submitting a draft of their application. Cook County's currently estimates it will cost $1.4 million to serve around 120 to 160 youth. A final amount will also be available at the August meeting.
    Ms. Marshall invited Ms. Hughes to share updates on Champaign and Peoria County. Ms. Hughes shared that all counties participated in site visits to current Redeploy sites. She added that the visits have been helpful in their planning process. She noted that Peoria County is searching for someone to analyze their case plan data, but they must first focus on the matrix and service providers. In Champaign County, a graduate student agreed to take on the county's planning grant report as a final project.
  7. Orbis Project Update
    At Secretary Hou's invitation, Ms. Marshall reported that ORBIS is meeting with DHS staff, as well as with the Data Workgroup and Redeploy providers to build the new matrix. ORBIS is reviewing literature which they will share soon. The case planning system (CaseWorks) is being updated to include positive youth development information and data. DHS will continue bi-weekly meetings with ORBIS.
  8. Adjourn
    Before adjourning the meeting, Secretary Hou opened the floor for any additional questions or concerns. Ms. Clarke asked if there is a communication plan for Redeploy's final report. Ms. Hughes explained that the report has been shared with Board members and sites, and DHS staff is still working on printing hard copies and determining a distribution plan. Ms. Rueter added that the Board will be notified as soon as DHS solidifies a plan. Ms. Clarke proposed that the Board host a press conference with Secretary Hou, legislators, family members, and youth to lift up the final report and Redeploy's hard work. Secretary Hou added that DHS has access to a PR/marketing firm that can help with creating a readable electronic version of the report so it can be shared via social media or email. Judge Sheehan mentioned that she would like to receive hard copies to leave with judges across the state.
    At the conclusion of the meeting, John Rekowski questioned whether Board meetings will be able to occur in person at some point in the future. Ms. Rueter agreed to investigate this with the DHS legal team and report back.
    Motion: At 11:30 am, Secretary Hou called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Clarke moved adjournment. A Board member seconded the motion. Motion carried.