The Illinois Commission to End Hunger is a public-private partnership established for the purpose of developing an action plan to ensure cross-collaboration among government entities and community partners toward the shared goal of ending hunger in Illinois. Earlier this year, the Commission released the report From Food Insecurity to Food Equity: A Roadmap to End Hunger in Illinois, which sets out a three-part strategy for doing a better job of connecting food insecure people to federal nutrition programs. The Roadmap makes specific recommendations for leveraging technology; harnessing innovation; and strengthening collaboration.
Since the release of the Roadmap, the Commission has convened working groups to help advance the vision laid out in the report. The Commission and its working groups have made significant strides to take the Roadmap recommendations and make this vision a reality.
With greater awareness of food insecurity and underlying racial inequity, a clear roadmap for action, and a coalition ready to lead, Illinois has a unique moment to take the kind of bold action needed to end hunger in our state. We are eager to continue this work in the new year, taking even greater strides towards lessening the impact of hunger across Illinois.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary
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