Dear Residential Providers:
Over the last six months the Division has worked to move At-Home Day (37U) to its original intent. At- Home Day (37U) is an in-home day program, chosen by the individual being served, that requires an addition to the personal plan, implementation strategy, goals and active programming. It is not meant as a temporary coverage for individuals when their regular Community Day Services program is closed. It was also never meant to be ongoing temporary funding for residential providers when an individual's Community Day Service program was closed. One of the reasons the division raised the temporary 5% CILA per-diem to 7% was to cover these types of closures, as one of many of the pressures brought on by the pandemic. With that being said, the significant rise in COVID cases over the last several weeks is alarming. We are seeing increasing numbers of individuals being served being asked to quarantine in their residential homes. As a result, the Division will again be making an exception:
- For providers that have been approved for blanket 37U, you may request an extension until January 31, 2022.
- For providers that do not have blanket 37U, you may submit a request for blanket 37U until January 31, 2022.
NOTE: An extension, or request, for blanket 37U will only be approved for individuals whose CDS programs are temporarily closed due to quarantine or for individuals that must quarantine (even if the CDS does not close). All temporary blanket 37U will end on January 31, 2022. Blanket 37U extension or new requests should be sent to Joy Decker at
In addition, providers should continue with their transition plan for their individuals to return to their chosen day time activities. The desire to spend more time at the residential site, either part time or full time (hybrid model) will require prior approval using the Alternative Day Program Request Form. For the hybrid model the expectation is there will be individualized programming that is community integrated during At-Home Day.
Allison Stark,
Director, Division of Developmental Disabilities
Illinois Department of Human Services
600 East Ash-Building 400, Springfield, IL 62703
Tel: (217) 782 -6803
The information contained herein should not be considered a substitute for the appropriate official statutes, rules, regulations, or the advice of legal counsel.
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