The Community Advisory Council on Homelessness


The Community Advisory Council shall meet at least four times a year.

The Council's Annual Recommendations

The Community Advisory Council on Homelessness delivers recommendations to the Interagency Task Force on Homelessness annually, as required by 20 ILCS 1305/10-75. These recommendations inform the work of the Interagency Task Force on Homelessness, the Office to Prevent and End Homelessness, and the Home Illinois Plan. See the Council's 2024 recommendations here:  Recommendations to the Illinois Interagency Task Force on Homelessness (pdf) and it's 2023 recommendations here:  Recommendations to the Illinois Interagency Task Force on Homelessness (pdf)

Board/Commission/Task Force Requirements

  • Training Requirements
    • Please visit the link above to view the training requirements for this Board/Commission/Committee/Task Force.


The Community Advisory Council shall consist of diverse stakeholders that represent the goals and population described in this executive order, to be appointed by the Governor. Members should be geographically diverse to represent the needs of urban, suburban, and rural communities across Illinois. The Chief may include any State agency staff that they deem necessary as ex officio, non-voting members of the Community Advisory Council.

Name Organization Member Since
Alexander Milan, Tamela Ever Thrive Illinois 02/07/2022
Gaston, Otha Lived Experience - Chicago 09/22/2023
Christine Haley* Illinois State Homelessness Chief 11/06/2023
Herring, Sr. John S. Illinois Network of Centers for Independent Living Representative of Disability Community 02/09/2024
Hill, Jennifer Alliance to End Homelessness in Suburban Cook County 09/22/2023
Humphrey III, Eugene Human Resources Development Institute, Inc. (HRDI) 09/06/2024
Kalafut, Marlena City of Kankakee 08/30/2024
Kelly, Niya Chicago Coalition to end Homelessness 11/09/2023
Knazze, Brandie V. Chicago Department of Family & Support Services 09/29/2023
Krisciunas, Emily* Chicago Funders Together to End Homelessness (CFTEH) 08/23/2024
Lund, Ronald Project Now 09/23/2023
Munoz, Jose M. La Casa Norte 5/10/2024
Redzic, April DuPage Pads 08/23/2024
Reeves, Sherri Allen Phoenix Foundation, NFP 08/23/2024
Reyna-Guerrero, Susan Covenant House 10/27/2023
Ross, Carolyn K. All Chicago Making Homelessness History 10/27/2023
Walker, Angie City of Rockford 12/13/2024
Warner, Linda A. Stopping Woman Abuse Now, Inc. (SWAN) 9/22/2023
Williams, Monique Cornerstone Community Development Corporation 11/04/2024
Wilson, Nicole Heart of Illinois United Way 9/29/2023

* Co-Chair