By March 2023, all Division of Developmental Disabilities funded sites receiving home and community based services (HCBS) waiver funding must comply with the federal HCBS settings rule (Home & Community Based Services Final Regulation | Medicaid). The goal of the HCBS settings rule is to assure people receiving services have access to community living that meets their needs and is of their choosing. The Division is charged with validating that all provider controlled/owned sites are in compliance by March 17, 2023. DDD has laid out a process for validating provider controlled or owned sites by March 2023, which includes a pre-screen survey, organizational policy and site evidence collection, onsite and desk validation and compliance action plans.
HCBS Settings Policy and Site Evidence Collection Tool
DDD has released the HCBS Settings Organizational Policy and Site Evidence Collection Tool and link to the HFS Portal where providers will be able to upload documents: The submission of policy and site evidence is the next step in the process of validating all provider controlled sites are in compliance with the HCBS settings rules.
HCBS Settings Policy and Evidence Submissions Info Session Webinar Recording (February 23, 2022 10 am)
HCBS Settings Pre-Screen Survey
To fulfill the requirements of the HCBS Settings Rule, ALL provider controlled or owned sites including CILA, CDS, CGH, and CLF that receive HCBS waiver funding must be validated as compliant with the settings rule by March 2023. The first step is for all provider controlled or owned sites to fill out this pre-screening survey by February 15: Illinois HCBS Site Validation Survey.
HCBS Settings Survey for People Receiving Services
The Division released a short survey for people who receive HCBS services. We want to understand how the HCBS settings rule is being implemented. The survey is online and available in Spanish, Chinese, Polish, Tagalog, Arabic and Hindi. To receive copies of those translations or for additional assistance with language please email Meg Cooch and check out "How to Translate a Web Page".
Blank Compliance Action Plan
Sample Compliance Action Plan Steps, Procedures and Activities
Accessible/Plain Language Residency Agreement Sample
Keeping Community Connections and Ensuring Community Integration for people
with DD during COVID Webinar Recording 3.24.22
Residency Agreement Frequently Asked Questions (3-24-22)
HCBS Settings Frequently Asked Questions (2-25-22)
HCBS Settings Frequently Asked Questions
HCBS Provider Toolkit Promising Practices
HCBS Settings Policy and Evidence Submissions Info Session Webinar Recording (February 23, 2022 10 am)
HCBS Settings Rule DDD Site Validation Processes 12.15.21 (for copies of the handouts email Meg Cooch)
HCBS Settings Rule Implementation Webinar 12.14.21 - What You Need to Know! (for copies of the handouts email Meg Cooch)
CMS Settings webpage including CMS summary of key provisions: Home & Community Based Services Final Regulation | Medicaid
CQL (ICDD funded) tool kit and resources at the bottom of the page: HCBS Settings Rule | HCBS ACT Project | CQL (
Statewide Transition Plan
Additional HFS Resources
Residency Agreement Template for CILA, CLF and CGH under Developmental Disabilities waivers
Residency Agreement for Provider-Owned or Controlled Settings
Lockable Doors and Privacy in Provider Owned or Controlled Settings
HCBS Settings Countdown: 0 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 11 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 44 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 87 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 109 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 116 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 130 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 136 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 144 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 161 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 168 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 177 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 182 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 189 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 207 days
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HCBS Settings Countdown: 242 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 252 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 266 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 280 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 295 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 301 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 308 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 315 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 322 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 329 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 336 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 343 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 350 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 358 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 364 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 371 days
HCBS Settings Countdown: 378 days