WAG 06-03-01-b: Payment

PM 06-03-01-b

Issuance of Crisis Assistance (other than non-medical need for essential medical care)

  1. Have the client complete Form 2689.
  2. Obtain any needed proofs to verify the emergency situation.
  3. Determine the client's eligibility for Crisis Assistance. If not receiving TANF, determine eligibility for TANF first. New textFor time limits on processing a request for Crisis Assistance, see PM 06-03-01-c.
  4. Complete 2 copies of Notice of Decision on Request for Crisis Assistance (Form 2690).
  5. If eligible, complete Form 552.
    1. Use TA 55 in Item 3, definer 2 in Item 4, and TAR 14 in Item 33. Enter the appropriate needs code(s) in Item 80. See WAG 25-03-04 for maximum amounts for each need.
      Food 201
      Clothing 202
      Household Supplies 203
      Rent 207
      Household Furnishings 344
    2. Enter one of the following Crisis Assistance Request Codes in the SUP. BY box for each Item 80 code.
      1 Homeless - Fire, Flood, Disaster
      2 Eviction
      3 New textPhysical abuse, Domestic or Sexual Violence
      4 Loss of Essential Items - Due to Disaster
      5 Deprived of Food as a Result of Fire/Flood
      6 Lost or Stolen Cash
    3. Enter the total amount of Crisis Assistance approved in Item 38. The total amount of all Item 80 codes must equal the amount in Item 38.
    4. 5d. In Item 40, enter 9999999 as the original warrant number. (The data input operator enters this on Screen 4 in IPACS.)
  6. Forward to Family Community Resource Center Administrator or designee for supervisory approval.
  7. Send the original Form 2690 to the client within 2 workdays from the date of decision.
  8. If eligible, process the Form 552 via IPACS. Advise the client that cash Crisis Assistance benefits will be available via the Illinois Link System within 48 hours after the approval.
  9. File Form 552, Form 2689, and the copy of Form 2690 in the case record.

Example: The applicant had a fire in her home that destroyed everything. She applied for TANF and Crisis Assistance. There are 4 persons (one adult and 3 children) in unit. Applicant is employed and earns $400 a month. Applicant will not receive another pay for 10 days. The Payment Level for a benefit unit size of 4 in a Group I county is $435. The rent on her new unfurnished apartment is $142.

The following needs can be met through the Crisis Assistance Program:

Rent $142 (up to max $250)
Food 200 ($5 per day x 10 days x 4 people)
Clothing 117
Household Supplies 17
Household Furnishings 50 (kitchen table)
40 (4 chairs)
120 (4 bed frames)
280 (4 single mattresses and springs)

Total Crisis Assistance Authorization = $966

Code Item 80 of the Form 552 as follows:

201 200 1
202 117 1
203 17 1
207 142 1
344 490 1

Expedite the determination of eligibility for TANF (see PM 17-02-01). If eligible for TANF, approve the case without a 30-day wait and issue a Crisis Assistance payment of $966. If not eligible for TANF, deny the Crisis Assistance application.

Requests for Non-medical Needs Related to Essential Medical Care

  1. (FCRC) Have the client complete Form 2689.
  2. (FCRC) Call the medical provider to verify the time and place of the client's appointment if the client does not have written proof.
  3. (FCRC) Call the client's source of transportation and/or lodging to verify cost if the client does not have written proof. The cost of meals is on a per diem basis and does not need proof.
  4. (FCRC) Complete Inter-office Memorandum Request (Form 2623).
  5. (FCRC) Fax Form 2623, Form 2689, and the most recent Form 552 or pages 1, 2, and 3 of the PF-1 Screen Printout (ACID) to the Regional Office.
  6. (RO) Decides whether to approve or deny request. Determines amount of assistance to be given for approved requests. Tells Family Community Resource Center.
  7. (FCRC) Send the client Form 2690.
  8. (FCRC) Issue payment if approved, using code 204 in Item 80.