ICRE-R Advisory Council Agenda & Minutes June 8, 2021


Tuesday, June 8, 2021 at 10:00am


  1. Review of Minutes
  2. Superintendent's Report
  3. Foundation Report
  4. Student Report:
  5. Old Business
  6. New Business
  7. Adjournment

Illinois Center for Rehabilitation and Educational Services at Roosevelt


June 8, 2021

In attendance (via Zoom): Maryanne Kelly, Letitia Doe (Superintendent) Wanda McNeal, Kerrie Rawlings, Mary McAloon, Therese Manderino, Peter Quinn, Tina Cole and Michael Landau

The meeting was called to order at 9:07 am

  1. Review of Minutes
    • Minutes for May 18, 2021 were reviewed. There was one spelling error noted. That was corrected and minutes were and approved.
  2. Superintendent's Report, Letitia Doe
    • There was no formal graduation this year. A graduation party was held the week of June 1st for the graduates. There are 3 graduates this year. 7 others opted to remain at ICRE for another year of school, because of lost education time due to Covid.
    • The nursing staff continues to test for Covid. There have been no new cases.
    • Covid restrictions remain in place. One exception is that a few students who have had mobility training are allowed to go out to the grocery store.
    • This is the last week of school.
    • There are 5 new students signed up for next year. Orientation was limited to short visits the week of June 7.
    • One Summer Chicago program begins July1. This is a day program. 30 students will attend.
    • Two new educators were hired. One is a culinary teacher. Students welcomed their new teachers.
    • Work with the state on the school website it on-going.
  3. Foundation Report, Therese Manderino
    • September 1st will be the third year of UIC Grant for the entrepreneur curriculum. UIC asked Therese to teach the class. Therese has asked UIC to work with ICRE for planning.
    • Per Letitia, ICRE will be starting an entrepreneurship program. Planning is in the initial stages. UIC will train ICRE staff.
    • UIC and ICRE are in the planning stages of the final design of the program. If ICRE begins this course, it will be a statewide program.
    • The lease for the space on the 3rd floor, used for the entrepreneur program, is up in September, 2022. This will need to be resolved this year.
    • Reminder to the board, Abilities Expo is scheduled 6/26-6/27 at the Renaissance Center in Schaumburg.
  4. New Business
    • There was discussion about the condition of the side yard which was a garden site. It is now overgrown. Moses has reached out to CMS for funding.
    • At this time, no staff is interested in leading this project.
    • The schedule for next year's board meetings was discussed. We are assuming that meetings will be held at ICRE, in person. Therese suggested that we have some sort of hybrid model for meetings to enable those who cannot attend in person to participate.
  5. Old Business
    • There is no old business.
  6. Adjournment
    • Meeting was adjourned at 9:45 am.
    • Date of next meeting: Thursday, September 16 @ 10:30 am at ICRE, assuming Covid restrictions are lifted.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary McAloon, member