Illinois Early Intervention Family Participation Fees: e PAY Instructions - Electronic Check

e PAY Instructions - Electronic Check

  1. To begin, access the e PAY website at
  2. Click on "Make a one-time payment"
  3. Use the "Payment Category" drop down to select "e-Check". "Payment Type" will fill automatically, and a new screen will appear.
  4. Type the requested information into the six fields below:
    • EI Account Number,
    • Date of birth of oldest child actively enrolled
    • Zip code listed on account
    • Phone Number
    • Payment Amount (dollars)
    • Payment Amount (cents)
      If your family no longer receives EI services, enter the DOB of any child in the household who received EI services. Be sure to double check your entries for accuracy.

      Clicking on the question mark above shows how to find the EI Account Number. It is located on the Family Participation Fee Invoice and/or the Family Participation Fee Statement:
  5. Click "Add Item and Checkout"

    Click "Add Item" if you would like to make a payment on a second EI Account. Review the family fee mail received. If multiple documents are received there may be a Family Participation Fee Invoice and a Family Participation Fee Statement. The last two digits at the end of the account numbers will be different. Please verify that payments are being made to the appropriate account.
  6. Enter your family's Email address and click Next Step: "Add Payment Method"
  7. For an e-Check, enter the requested details from the account at your financial institution. Review your entries for accuracy.
  8. Click "Next Steps: Review Payment"
  9. Review your payment information a final time. Under "Billing Contact Information", check yes if you would like to receive email updates from the Office of the Illinois State Treasurer. Also, review the "Payment Terms of Service". Click the box to agree with these terms. Agreeing to these terms of service is required to finalize the payment.
  10. Click "Make Payment"
  11. An electronic receipt will appear on your screen. A similar receipt will be sent to the email address provided once the payment is successfully completed.