PM 06-01-06-d
Begin the reconciliation process (see WAG 03-13-04) upon receipt of one of the following:
If reconciliation is unsuccessful, impose the sanction as follows:
If this is the first sanction, sanction the person until they register for work and request that their benefits be resumed.
If this is the 2nd sanction, sanction the person for 3 months or until they register for work and request that their benefits be resumed, whichever is longer.
If this is the 3rd sanction, sanction the person for the rest of their 8-month RRP eligibility period.
Also include one of the following messages, as appropriate:
Complete and process the current Form 552 as follows:
These persons continue to receive SNAP with the Category 00 case. A sanctioned person does not have to be deleted and added below the asterisk on Form 552. The coding in Item 15, SNAP, remains the same because a sanctioned person is still part of the benefit unit.
Once the sanction ends and the person requests that cash benefits be restored, take the following actions:
If the person does not request that cash benefits be restored, do not take action to restore benefits. Do not delete code 3 from Item 73.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary
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