* Please remember that this is a well-attended meeting with many, many people
participating all over the State. To make sure that everyone has the best chance of hearing the
conversation, PLEASE MUTE YOUR PHONE. Do Not place the call on hold. Hold music and other hold
tones are very disruptive to the entire group.
* Please remember to identify yourself. This makes it easier for the note taker
and for those who don't recognize your voice.
Illinois Opioid Crisis Response Advisory Council Meeting May 17th, 2021
1:00 P.M. - 2:30 P.M.
This meeting is online ONLY. See the information below on how to connect to enter the meeting.
- Welcome: Director David T. Jones, IDHS/SUPR
- IDHS/SUPR Update: Director Jones
- IDPH Update: Jenny Epstein, Assistant Deputy Director, Office of Policy, Planning,
and Statistics
- HFS Update: Arvind Goyal, MD, Medical Director
- Discussion: New Buprenorphine Guidelines: Dr. Nicole Gastala, Medical Director,
* Presentation: PMP Data Dashboards: Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) - Amna
Farooq, MS, Data Analyst and Megshi Thakur, Clinical Database Associate
* Presentation: Community Reinforcement Approach (CRA): Jennifer Smith Ramey, Horizon
Behavioral Health and Mark D. Godley, Sr. Scientist and EBTx Center Director, Chestnut Health
- New Business
- Next Meeting: Pending; Date to be announced
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/98288861704?pwd=bE1uRHFZZDh2QndtdEJ3dklOR2diQT09 Meeting ID:
982 8886 1704
Passcode: 064831 Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 982 8886 1704
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/a4dfU7abO