EBP Conference 2021 Session 15

DEAI - What does this mean for the mental health community? **this session will not be recorded**

Tuesday 8/17/2021 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM CST

Content of this presentation will be based on current trends to ensure that mental healthcare is culturally relevant to empower mental health consumers. The goal is to create mental health environments which are comfortable with diversity, provide equity for mental health consumers, are accessible for individuals with psychiatric disabilities and are inclusive of mental health consumers in planning decision and policy matters.

Presented by:

AJ French

AJ has taken her personal experiences into the public arena. She has shared her expertise with audiences in Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Her public service consists of a previous appointment to the Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) of Illinois and election to the Illinois Mental Health Planning & Advisory Council (IMHPAC). Presently, she serves the Protection & Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) Council and was recently appointed to the Illinois Social Services Advisory Council (SSAC).

In her work with Gift of Voice, she is planning an Executive Leadership Retreat for Organizations Operated by People in Recovery. She is also hosting a Prevention, Wellness & Recovery Book Fair which features authors in recovery. She has established a Disclosure Scholarship fund for college students who disclose their personal mental health experiences in healthy ways which positively influence society. Many of the book fair authors are donating proceeds to the scholarship fund. Finally, she is working on a film entitled "The lntersection Between Mental Health & Racial Justice" which will premiere in St. Louis this October.