EBP Conference 2021 Session 3

Pathways to Employment: Illinois' One-Stop Source on Supported Employment

Tuesday 8/3/2021 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM CST

Join this session to learn about Illinois' unique one-stop source of information about evidence-based supported employment. This web portal meets the needs of people with lived experience, natural supporters, employment and mental health providers, employers, and policymakers interested in promoting vocational recovery. This interactive session offers a live tour of the comprehensive web portal to demonstrate how to apply its resources when delivering/receiving supported employment services. Also reviewed is a unique online toolkit describing the many ways that staff with lived experience enhance supported employment programs. Portal: https://bit.ly/3bK3FxK Toolkit: https://bit.ly/3hKNwvy

Presented by:

Jessica A. Jonikas, M.A., Associate Director - UIC Center on Mental Health Services Research & Policy

Jessica is Associate Director of the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy, as well as a Research Specialist in Health Systems Research for the UIC Department of Psychiatry. She holds a master's degree from the University of Chicago, School of Social Service Administration and Center for Health Administration Studies. Ms. Jonikas is co-investigator or program director on federally funded projects to promote wellness self-management, holistic health, vocational recovery, and self-determination among people with lived experience, as well as evidence-based practices and research translation in public mental health settings. Ms. Jonikas is the senior author or co-author of research articles, book chapters, training guides, and other educational resources on recovery-oriented models of care. For over two decades, she has been an influential force in preparing and mentoring the mental health and vocational workforces.

Judith A. Cook, PhD, Professor and Director--UIC Center on Mental Health Services Research & Policy

Dr. Judith Cook is an internationally recognized authority on mental health services research, specifically the study of clinical and rehabilitation outcomes of children and adults receiving community-based care. She directs federally funded research centers, along with numerous grants focused on intervention science and psychiatric epidemiology. She designs and implements innovative programs to enhance health, behavioral health, and vocational recovery. She works with federal, state, and local authorities on behavioral health service system redesign and alternative financing strategies. Her recent work focuses on randomized controlled trials of evidence-based practice treatments for serious mental illness, and outcomes of individuals with co-occurring mental illness and chronic medical conditions. She led the country's first national, multisite study of supported employment models, called the Employment Intervention Demonstration Program. She consults with federal agencies including the National Institutes of Health, Social Security Administration, Department of Labor, Government Accountability Office, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, and Veterans Administration.