Good Morning,
Yesterday was the 31st anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The impact disability rights advocates cannot be understated! If you haven't seen it, I suggest you read Secretary Hou's communication from yesterday that highlights my colleague, friend and amazing advocate, Director Rahnee Patrick of the Division of Rehabilitation Services.
- Per IDPH, the preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from July 16-22, 2021 is 3.3%. The preliminary seven-day statewide test positivity from July 16-22, 2021 is 3.5%.
- This is the last week to complete the Staff Stability Survey. If you're not sure if you're completed it you can reach out to Cynthia SchierlSpreen.
Phenomenal news! HFS received the Initial HCBS Settings State Transition Plan (STP) Approval Letter from CMS! As you know all states must be in compliance with HCBS Settings requirements by March 17, 2023. Next steps will include working towards Final Approval of our State Transition Plan among other state requirements. DDD continues to work on our efforts to implement aspects of the Settings Rule, and HFS will soon begin planning for further public comment opportunities. Stay tuned.
The Guidehouse Developmental Disability Services Rate Study was released in December 2020. IDHS and DDD reviewed the recommendations and, after consultation with the Governor's Office and the Governor's Office of Management and Budget, determined that Guidehouse priorities would need to be completed on a multi-year schedule. Here (attached) is the current, projected timeline for the implementation of the Guidehouse rate study recommendations. Please note there are significant variables that could impact the projected timeline including appropriation from the Illinois General Assembly based on state revenues and other budgetary demands, federal approvals, other DDD budgetary priorities, and program implementation. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the current, projected timeline.
Interested in attending the DD Advisory Committee meetings? They're open meeting and anyone can attend. We would love to have you! You can find meeting invitations and a list of current members on the DDAC webpage. A big thank you to all of our current members that represent our diverse stakeholder communities!
Be on the lookout for our fall Community Provider Training schedule! These trainings (webinars) will provide an opportunity to learn more about Division expectations for provider operations, system and policy changes, as well as best practices. The Division requests that at least one individual staff member attend from each provider organization, if not more. Mark your calendars for September 9th from 1pm to 3pm for Supporting Sex Education: What Providers Need to Know.
I want to remind our providers that the Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities Code was amended to require access to sex education, related resources and treatment planning for all persons admitted to a developmental disability facility and receiving habilitation services. This statutory change took effect January 1, 2020 and applies to persons in Community Integrated Living Arrangements (CILA), ICF/DDs, State Operated Developmental Centers and Community Day Service (CDS) programs.
DDD along with the Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy's Human Rights Authority established a workgroup which has taken the lead in developing resources to assist in implementing the intent of this legislation. While the past year and a half's events made this a less than ideal time to roll this out to our provider organizations, the Sex Education Workgroup continued to meet on a regular basis. Much work and guidance has been produced and can be found on our website. Additional materials are under final review and will be posted soon along with an information bulletin on this topic.
With generous support of the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities (ICDD) a consultant was engaged to develop a Train the Trainer Curriculum for Sexuality Education. Modules 1 and 2 are posted on the IDHS DDD Provider Training page . Scroll down to #12 and you will see both modules listed along with the handouts and written transcript.
To pull this all together for our providers, the Division will be offering a training on September 9, 2021 from 1:00 - 3:00. More details will follow but SAVE THE DATE!
Thank you for your review and comments on DRAFT Rule 119 (Community Day Services and Developmental Training) and DRAFT Rule 120 (all DD Waivers). We will be discussing your comments with the DD Regulatory Advisory Board during July and August and revising the drafts as necessary. After revisions are made, these Rules will go to the DHS Rules Bureau who will move them through DHS's Executive Review process. Once they have been reviewed, approved and signed off on by DHS Administration, they will go to JCAR to be posted for first notice. We hope to see Rule 119 and 120 to be posted for First Notice around December 2021/January 2022.
You have just a few days left to provide feedback on DRAFT Rule 117 (Home Based Services) - feedback due by July 31! it is available on the DDD Stakeholder Feedback Request page. JCAR posted draft Rule 115 for First Notice/45 public comment period earlier this year. Due to the overwhelming responses and feedback (134 responses received), the Division, along with BALC and DHS Legal, is reviewing and discussing the feedback. Once changes have been made, the draft will be sent back to DHS Rules Bureau who will prepare it for JCAR. We anticipate Rule 115 being posted for Second Notice around November 2021.
Thank you for all you do!
- Allison V. Stark
- Director, Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Illinois Department of Human Services
- 600 East Ash-Building 400, Springfield, IL 62703
- Tel: (217) 782 -6803
The information contained herein should not be considered a substitute for the appropriate official statutes, rules, regulations, or the advice of legal counsel.
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