Child Count (FFY19/SFY20)

Illinois - IDEA Part C - Child Count and Settings

Your State's Part C Child Count Date is: 10/31/2019

Has your state elected under 20 U.S.C. 1432(5)(B)(ii) and 1435(c) to provide parents the choice of, and the child's parent has consented to their child, continuing to receive Part C services (in lieu of FAPE) under 20 U.S.C. 1435(c) for children ages 3 and older? No

Section A: Child Count and Settings by Age

A.1. Age Group and Settings of Infants and Toddlers, Ages Birth through 2

Age Group Home Community-Based Setting Other Setting Total Percentage
Birth to 1 1944 109 20 2073 11.76
1 to 2 5034 375 38 5447 30.91
2 to 3 9002 1021 78 10101 57.32
Total (Birth through 2) 15980 1505 136 17621 100

A.2. Age Group and Settings of Children, Ages 3 or Older

Age Group Home Community-Based Setting Other Setting Total Percentage
3 to 4 NA NA NA NA NA
4 to 5 NA NA NA NA NA
5 or Older NA NA NA NA NA
Total (3 or Older) NA NA NA NA NA

Section B: Child Count and Settings by Race/Ethnicity

B.1. Race/Ethnicity and Settings of Infants and Toddlers, Ages Birth through 2

Race/Ethnicity Home Community-Based Setting Other Setting Total Percentage
Hispanic/Latino 4647 235 18 4900 27.81
American Indian or Alaska Native 11 1 0 12 0.07
Asian 479 47 2 528 3
Black or African American 2129 265 20 2414 13.7
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 6 0 0 6 0.03
White 8327 877 92 9296 52.76
Two or More Races 381 80 4 465 2.64
Total (Birth through 2) 15980 1505 136 17621 100

B.2. Race/Ethnicity and Settings of Children, Ages 3 or Older

Race/Ethnicity Home Community-Based Setting Other Setting Total Percentage
Hispanic/Latino NA NA NA NA NA
American Indian or Alaska Native NA NA NA NA NA
Black or African American NA NA NA NA NA
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander NA NA NA NA NA
Two or More Races NA NA NA NA NA
Total (3 or Older) NA NA NA NA NA

Section C: Child Count by Gender

C.1. Gender Of Infants and Toddlers, Ages Birth through 2, Receiving Early Intervention Services

Gender Total Percentage
Male 11283 64.03
Female 6338 35.97
Total (Birth through 2) 17621 100

C.2. Gender of Children, Ages 3 Or Older, Receiving Early Intervention Services

Gender Total Percentage
Male NA NA
Female NA NA
Total (3 or Older) NA NA

Section D: At Risk Child Count

Has your state elected under 20 U.S.C. 1432(5)(B)(i) to serve children under the age of three and at risk of having substantial delays if early intervention services are not provided? No

At Risk Infants and Toddlers, Ages Birth through 2

Race/Ethnicity Total Birth to 1 1 to 2 2 to 3
Hispanic/Latino NA NA NA NA
American Indian or Alaska Native NA NA NA NA
Black or African American NA NA NA NA
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander NA NA NA NA
Two or More Races NA NA NA NA
Total (Birth through 2) NA NA NA NA

Section E: Cumulative Child Count by Race/Ethnicity and Gender

Cumulative Number of Infants and Toddlers Who Received Early Intervention Services by Race/Ethnicity and Gender

Cumulative Child Count Reference Period: From: 7/1/2018 To: 6/30/2019

E.1. Cumulative Count of Infants and Toddlers, Ages Birth through 2, by Race/Ethnicity

Race/Ethnicity Total Percentage
Hispanic/Latino 11786 26.6
American Indian or Alaska Native 19 0.04
Asian 1512 3.41
Black or African American 6107 13.78
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 15 0.03
White 23590 53.24
Two or More Races 1277 2.88
Total (Birth through 2) 44306 100

E.2. Cumulative Count of Infants and Toddlers, Ages Birth through 2, by Gender

Gender Total Percentage
Male 28328 63.94
Female 15978 36.06
Total (Birth through 2) 44306 100