PM 05-06-01: Qualifying Member Definition

WAG 05-06-01

To be considered a qualifying member a person must meet one of the following criteria:

  • The member is 60 years of age or older. A person is considered age 60 in the fiscal month they become 60.
  • The member receives Supplemental Security Income (SSI) under Title XVI of the Social Security Act, including a member who receives SSI pending a final decision from the Social Security Administration. This type of SSI is provided on a temporary or emergency basis.
  • The member receives Social Security disability or blindness benefits under Title II (RSDI) of the Social Security Act.
  • text revisedThe member receives AABD cash or Medical.
  • text deleted
  • A veteran,
    • with a service or non-service connected disability rated or paid as totally disabled by the Veterans Administration (VA) and verified in writing by VA as totally disabled, or
    • considered by the VA to be in need of regular aid and attendance or permanently homebound.
  • A veteran's surviving spouse who is considered in need of aid and attendance or considered permanently homebound by the VA.
  • A veteran's surviving child who is considered permanently incapable of self-support by the VA.
  • A veteran's surviving spouse or child entitled to VA benefits for a service-connected death, or VA pension benefits for a non-service connected death.

    NOTE: The spouse or child must also have a disability considered permanent under Social Security requirements. See WAG 05-06-01-a for the list of disabilities. 

  • The member receives a federal, state, or local government disability pension and is considered permanently disabled under Social Security requirements (see WAG 05-06-01-a).
  • The member receives Railroad Retirement disability benefits.
  • The member receives an annuity payment from Railroad Retirement and is eligible for Medicare.