June 17, 2021 IJJC Meeting Agenda & Minutes - Special Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


June 17, 2021, 11:30am -12:15pm


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  1. Call to Order
  2. Welcome & Roll Call
  3. Overview of FY22' NOFO Title II Process
  4. Review of Finalists from Planning & Grants Committee
  5. Vote on FY22' Title II Grantees
    1. Juvenile Justice Youth Serving Programs
    2. Juvenile Justice Councils
    3. Systems Improvement
    4. Training and Technical Assistance
  6. Public Comment
  7. Adjourn


  1. Welcome & Roll Call
    Chairman Rick Velasquez welcomed commissioners and invited Andrea Hall to do roll call.
    Roll Call: Marshan Allen, Jackie Bullard, Savannah Felix, Jelani Floyd, Lisa Jacobs, Amanda Klonsky, Briana Payton, Honorable Ben Roe, Keyria Rodgers, Honorable Stephen Sawyer, Rick Velasquez, Dana Weiner
    Staff: Katy Culleeny, Andrea Hall, Leslie Ress
    Guests: Janna Phillip
    Mr. Velasquez thanked Commissioners and DHS staff who participated in the review process for applications. Mr. Velasquez explained that the recommendations from Planning & Grants are standing and will not need an additional motion or second and that Ms. Jacobs will lead the Commission through conversations and voting for four different grant areas. If any Commissioner should have a conflict of interest, fiduciary, policy-making, or otherwise, they must excuse themselves from the applicable vote and it will be reflected in the minutes.
  2. Overview of FY22' NOFO Title II Process
    Ms. Jacobs also thanked everyone for their hard work, noting that this meeting is the tip of the iceberg in terms of all the work that has been done by committees, including commissioners and DHS staff, leading up to this point. The presentation of motion sin this way is intended to balance efficiency and participation; folks are welcome to open the floor for discussion but should know that a lot of thought and effort has been done ahead of time. There are four Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFO's; formerly known as RFP's), including Youth Service Providers (YSP's), Juvenile Justice Councils (JJ Councils), Systems Improvement, and Training & Technical Assistance.
    1. Youth Service Providers
      Ms. Jacobs led the discussion. The IJJC received 18 proposals for YSP's. The committee motions to fund 12 YSP's, 3 of those 12 with contingencies, and to not fund 6 proposals.
      "Do Not Fund": African American Resource Center, the application was well intended but vague about the target population, methodology and referral. Bella Ease in Adams County, the application lacked clarity on the target population, model, and capacity of the agency at this time for high quality services to a challenging issue or population in alignment with IJJC goals. DuPage County Court Services proposed an intensive probation, which is not aligned with literature on positive outcomes and included funding for drug testing, which is not aligned with IJJC goals. There were also concerns about addressing racial and ethnic disparities. National Youth Advocate Program (NYAP) seemed to use a boilerplate application and was not responsive to the NOFO or IJJC goals. Nicasa NFP proposed a general diversion program via a teen court model for first- and second-time low level offenders, which raised concerns of net-widening. Last is Sankofa, they proposed 18-24 as their target population, which is outside of the funding parameters set by OJJDP. Mr. Velasquez called for questions, there were none.
      Fund with Contingency: P&G proposes to fund the following three agencies with contingencies. The first is BUILD, with a light contingency. BUILD must sharpen their proposal and provide clarity on the target population. They proposed a middle school-based diversion and deferral program and have a strong capacity and service model. The P&G Committee requests they focus on youth who are most likely to be arrested. The second is Lawrence Hall, they proposed programming for youth with Problematic Sexual Behaviors, for which there is an acute need for services. The P&G Committee contingencies include: changing the model to allow for services before adjudication in order to ensure that the youth is not placed on the registry, the focus should be on diversion, and lastly, there are concerns about the Good Lives Model as it is lacking a family engagement component. Last is Northeast DuPage Family & Youth Services, the proposed pre or no arrest diversion but there is an overemphasis on mental health services, when that may not be most appropriate for everyone and a general weakness of what types of services will be provided. Additionally funding for teen court would need to be totally removed.
      Briana Payton asked if there was a mechanism for accountability to ensure these contingencies were met by providers? Ms. Hall explained that the Notice of State Award (NOSA) the grantee receives will include the contingencies and they will be documented in their official contract. Mr. Velasquez noted that he will also ask P&G to develop a monitoring strategy and process going forward to ensure adequate oversight is occurring.
      Fund: P&G proposes to fund six agencies. Madison County proposed intensive case management, they received strong scores. The second is Circuit Court of Cook County, followed by Midwest Youth Services, a continuation of their JPRO program. Next is Lake County States Attorney's office with a new project to address Adolescent Domestic Battery, followed by Phalanx, a Cook County restorative justice and wraparound model. SGA Youth and Family Services proposed a prevention and intervention mentor model. West Side Health Authority proposed a continuation of their RISE model. YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago proposed crisis intervention services and mentorship and group support as diversion. Lastly, Youth Outreach Services (YOS) proposed to continue their evidence based intensive PSB services for youth and families. Mr. Velasquez recommended the PSB grantees engage in a learning community sponsored by the commission as there is a lot of interest in this topic across the state.
      Ms. Hall called roll for the vote. No opposition, no abstentions. Motion Carried.

      Marshan Allen Yes

      Julie Biehl NP

      Jacqueline Bullard Yes

      Shelley Davis NP

      Savannah Felix Yes

      Jelani Floyd Yes

      Esther Franco Payne NP

      Arnetra Jackson NP

      Ja'Vaune Jackson NP

      Lisa Jacobs Yes

      Amanda Klonsky Yes

      Era Laudermilk NP

      Tamela Meehan NP

      Michelle Mbekeani NP

      Briana Payton Yes

      Judge Ben Roe Yes

      Keyria Rogers Yes

      Judge Stephen Sawyer Yes

      Rick Velasquez Yes

      Dana Weiner Yes

    2. Juvenile Justice Councils
      Ms. Jacobs informed the Commission that they received 7 proposals for JJ Councils and that the P&G Committee motions to fund 5 of them.
      Do Not Fund: Bella Ease proposed a council for Adams County, and while the Committee would have liked to see a Council in Adams County, there were concerns about the capacity of the private agency to engage and convene all of the necessary stakeholders for systemic analysis. Dekalb County have been funded up through this year, however their proposal was largely unresponsive to the NOFO and included over half of the funds to go toward organizational training for adult domestic violence, which is not closely tied with the Commission goals or statutory responsibilities.
      Fund: The P&G Committee proposes funding 2 new and 3 existing councils. Ms. Jacobs noted that all councils would need help strengthening their R.E.D. efforts. Madison County Council will be led by Children's Home & Aid, they already have stakeholders and a data committee. Midwest Youth services will continue their work in Morgan County. Lake County would be a new council, technically a revamp of a past defunct council, and would be led by the Lake County State's Attorney's Office. Kane County provided a strong proposal for continuation and received high scores, they have demonstrated good efforts and momentum on reducing arrests. St. Clair provided another strong proposal for continuation. Ms. Jacobs noted that while it was not a contingency and was not indicated anywhere in their proposal in anyway, the Commission will need to work with the St. Clair JJ Council to ensure no scared straight programming is occurring in St. Clair. As general notes: the Commission would like to see learning communities for Adolescent Domestic Battery and supporting families in conflict in addition to learning communities to strengthen R.E.D. efforts. Lastly is an opportunity for a regional efforts, Madison, Morgan and St. Clair counties have unique needs and lessons learned.
      Ms. Hall called roll for the vote. No opposition, no abstentions. Motion Carried.

      Marshan Allen Yes

      Julie Biehl NP

      Jacqueline Bullard Yes

      Shelley Davis NP

      Savannah Felix Yes

      Jelani Floyd Yes

      Esther Franco Payne NP

      Arnetra Jackson NP

      Ja'Vaune Jackson NP

      Lisa Jacobs Yes

      Amanda Klonsky Yes

      Era Laudermilk NP

      Tamela Meehan NP

      Michelle Mbekeani NP

      Briana Payton Yes

      Judge Ben Roe Yes

      Keyria Rogers Yes

      Judge Stephen Sawyer Yes

      Rick Velasquez Yes

      Dana Weiner Yes

    3. Systems Improvement
      Systems Improvement includes JMIS detention data and research analysis and outreach to the Detention community. The Center for Prevention research & Development (CPRD), the current grantee, was the only respondent. The P&G motion is to fund and ask for additional partnership on evaluating Title II funds.
      Ms. Hall called roll for the vote. No opposition, no abstentions. Motion Carried.

      Marshan Allen Yes

      Julie Biehl NP

      Jacqueline Bullard Yes

      Shelley Davis NP

      Savannah Felix Yes

      Jelani Floyd Yes

      Esther Franco Payne NP

      Arnetra Jackson NP

      Ja'Vaune Jackson NP

      Lisa Jacobs Yes

      Amanda Klonsky Yes

      Era Laudermilk NP

      Tamela Meehan NP

      Michelle Mbekeani NP

      Briana Payton Yes

      Judge Ben Roe Yes

      Keyria Rogers Yes

      Judge Stephen Sawyer Yes

      Rick Velasquez Yes

      Dana Weiner Yes

    4. Training & Technical Assistance
      TTAS includes training, technical assistance, and logistical support to the commission. The current grantee, Illinois Collaboration on Youth, was the only respondent. Ms. Jacobs disclosed that she is a member of the ICOY Board (with no financial benefit) and has therefore has not participated in any part of the review and score process for this grant thus far and will excuse herself from this vote. The motion of the P&G Committee is to fund ICOY.
      Ms. Hall called roll for the vote. No opposition, one abstention. Motion Carried with majority of quorum.

      Marshan Allen Yes

      Julie Biehl NP

      Jacqueline Bullard Yes

      Shelley Davis NP

      Savannah Felix Yes

      Jelani Floyd Yes

      Esther Franco Payne NP

      Arnetra Jackson NP

      Ja'Vaune Jackson NP

      Lisa Jacobs Abstain

      Amanda Klonsky Yes

      Era Laudermilk NP

      Tamela Meehan NP

      Michelle Mbekeani NP

      Briana Payton Yes

      Judge Ben Roe Yes

      Keyria Rogers Yes

      Judge Stephen Sawyer NP

      Rick Velasquez Yes

      Dana Weiner Yes

      Mr. Velasquez requested that the Planning & Grants Committee to convene late summer or early fall with a plan to monitor and evaluate more effectively than in the past, potentially to check-in at a quarterly basis with grantees to allow for interventions and support as needed. Second, Mr. Velasquez would like an evaluation strategy developed over this year and asked for interested commissioners to join CPRD in a working group. Dana Weiner volunteered. Ms. Jacobs noted that the Commission has always wanted to improve how they receive feedback from providers but have yet to get the hang of it and encouraged commissioners to participate. Amanda Klonsky and Ms. Payton would like to be invited to the next P&G committee meeting.
  3. Public Comment
    Janna Phillip thanked the Commission for having her.
  4. Adjourn
    Meeting adjourned at 12:16pm.