FY22 EI Training Questions and Answers

FY22 Early Intervention Training NOFO #444-80-1229 Questions and Answers

Question #1: Under D. d. (page 18), #4 - how is the 'training budget' referenced here different than what is referenced and required in D.e.?

  • Answer #1: The "training budget" referenced in D.2.d.4 is specific to a budget/cost of training the staff of the agency who will perform the scope of work of defined within the NOFO. The "Budget and Budget Narrative" under D.2.e, 1-3, is the required budget for the agency to perform the scope of work of the NOFO.

Question #2: In previous years, a matrix (or program plan) aligned with the deliverables has been required. I do not see any requirement for a matrix (program plan). Is this matrix still required? If so, where?

  • Answer #2: There is no required "matrix". The response should include responses to all elements listed in A.2, A.3 and A5. This can be on any format preferred by the responder.

Question 3: D.d (page 18), #5 - it is not clear as to how to format the response - would IDHS like the response formatted according to the A.2 Program Exhibit Language : Supplies and/or Services Required outlined on Page 3 OR to the A.5. Milestones and Deliverables outlined on Pages 11-12, as they are different from one another in both numbering and content?

  • Answer #3: The responder may choose any format to respond to deliverables from A.2, A.3 and A.5. They can be the same format or different formats from each other. The responder should follow the description of page maximums described in section D.2 but any formatting is allowed (single-spaced, double-spaced, etc.).