March 19, 2021 Racial and Ethnic Disparities (RED) Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Racial & Ethnic Disparities (RED) Committee Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


Friday, March 19, 2021

10:00am -11:30am


Zoom Meeting


  1. Call to Order & Roll Call
  2. Welcome & Introductions
  3.  Approval of Minutes
    1. Action Items & Suggestions
  4. Review Group Norms & Values
  5. Presentation: Disproportionality & Disparity by Dana Weiner
    1. Group Discussion
  6. SAG Support for R.E.D. Work
    1. Overview by Center for Coordinated Assistance to States (CCAS)
    2. Group Discussion
    3. Committee Name
  7. Public Comment
  8. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order & Roll Call
    Co-Chair Era Laudermilk called the Meeting to order and invited Andrea Hall to do roll call.
    Commissioners: Era Laudermilk, Jackie Bullard, Tamela Meehan, Dana Weiner, Michelle Mbekeani, Amanda Klonsky, Briana Payton, Marshan Allen.
    Committee Members External: Tashiana Stafford, Jessica Gingold, Peg Robertson, Omar Jamil, Samuel Smith, Darby Henke, Haley Hopkins, Julia Schick, Garien Gatewood, Tamara Vaughn-Walker, Delrice Adams. Staff: Katy Culleeny, Andrea Hall. Guests: Kia Jackson, Cassey Blakely, Lisa Hutchinson.
  2. Welcome & Introductions
    Ms. Laudermilk welcomed committee members and led the group through icebreaker questions. Committee members were asked what justice-related superpower they would like to have.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    1. Action Items & Suggestions
      There were no action items at this time.
      Motion: Ms. Laudermilk called for a motion to approve the minutes from the February meeting.
      Amanda Klonsky moved approval; Jackie Bullard seconded the motion. No abstentions. No oppositions. Motion carried.
  4. Review Group Norms and Values
    Ms. Laudermilk reviews the group norms and values the committee collectively established in the last meeting and introduced the presentations.
  5. Presentation Disproportionality & Disparity by Dana Weiner
    Commissioner Dana Weiner, of Chapin Hall, presented to commissioners on the basics of disparity compared to disproportionality. Topics included: disparity index visualization, collecting and documenting, analyzing data, community homogeneity and ethnic fractionalization, and anti-racist interpretations. In response to a question from Briana Payton, Ms. Weiner explained that in some places, the whiter a place is the more disproportionate invo0lvement in child everywhere. Again this is not the case everywhere, which is one of the reasons why geographic considerations are important.
  6. SAG Support for R.E.D. Work
    1. Overview by Center for Coordinated Assistance to States
      Cassey Blakely, Kia Jackson, and Lisa Hutchinson presented on the ways that they can and have provided technical assistance to states. CCAS partnered with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention to provide technical assistance for racial and ethnic disparities work. OJJDP has outlined a three step process for states to address R.E.D. First, Identify the problem. Second, develop an action plan. Finally, an outcome-based evaluation. There are indicators for each step provided by OJJDP, otherwise it is up to the state to determine how it will be conducted and measured. Ms. Hutchinson explained how CCAS has helped states with all three steps and that steps two and three have been most challenging for some states. Ms. Blakely noted that what be most challenging for Illinois is figuring out where to start-whether that is what is most logical, impactful or urgent. The committee agreed to submit to a formal request to CCAS requesting technical assistance. 
      Ms. Hall presented on what some other SAG's are working on to address R.E.D. This included efforts in Baltimore, Maryland, and Oregon. In Baltimore, efforts include youth engagement efforts and the creation of a diversion toolkit for the purpose of reducing racial and ethnic disparities that will be shared with a wide variety of stakeholders and community members. Ms. Meehan offered to connect Ms. Hall with Lisa Gerry the Director of the Office of Equity & Reform with the Department of Juvenile Justice who is also leading work in Baltimore. Oregon hosted a statewide summit for best practices and networking and use their funds to train law enforcement and judges. Ms. Blakely noted that if the SAG uses Title II funds for an event there are certain restrictions and special paperwork that must be completed. 
  7. Public Comment
    There was no public comment.
  8. Adjourn 
    Meeting adjourned at 11:33am.