Illinois Department of Human Services
Division of Developmental Disabilities
Information Bulletin
This Information Bulletin replaces policy/guidance previously given in DD.20.024, DD.20.020, and DD.20.009.
The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) is committed to protecting individuals with developmental disabilities in Illinois during the COVID-19 pandemic. This communication is intended to provide updated guidance for the Home Based Support program, as well as guidance for providers who are authorized to provide Behavior Intervention, Individual/Group Counseling, Individual/Group Therapy as well as to providers of Physical, Occupational and Speech therapy, Self-Directed Assistance, Temporary Assistance/53C and Bogard Specialized Services.
The Division is clarifying and adjusting temporary changes previously allowed to assist agencies to operate during the COVID-19 pandemic. The changes are allowed only during effective dates as defined by the Division.
Home Based Supports:
- Original signatures are preferred for Service Agreements and other documents effective 7/1/21. If a participant or guardian, if applicable, refuses to meet in person, it must be documented, and verbal or email approvals will be acceptable.
- Personal Support Workers (PSWs) may continue to support a waiver participant in the hospital as a billable service. The provided personal care services are not intended to replace personal care services required to be provided by hospital staff. The personal care services provided by a PSW include communication, intensive personal care, and/or behavioral stabilization. Note: The DDD is awaiting approval from Federal CMS to include this as a billable service under our Adults with DD waiver.
- Service agreements must be updated accordingly and account for all services.
- The exceptions for PSW services enacted in March 2020 which allowed services to be provided out of state are being rescinded effective 7/1/21. All requirements for PSW services resume to pre-pandemic guidance.
Self-Directed Assistance Guidance:
- The exceptions for Self-Directed Assistants (SDA), if applicable, enacted in March 2020 which allowed specific in-person activities to be completed remotely are rescinded effective 7/1/21. All requirements for SDA services resume to pre-pandemic guidance.
Individual Controlled Personal Support Worker Guidance:
- PSWs will be required to get their fingerprints completed before beginning to provide services. This change is effective 7/1/21.
- We suggest families continue to implement a health screening protocol prior to their PSW coming to their home. Refer to Illinois Department of Public Health Guidelines for more information.
Agency Based Personal Support Worker Guidance:
- PSWs will be required to get their fingerprints completed before beginning to provide services. This change is effective 7/1/21.
We suggest families continue to implement a health screening protocol prior to their PSW coming to their home. Refer to Illinois Department of Public Health Guidelines for more information.
Supports that are Fee-for-Service:
Behavior Intervention & Treatment (Level 1 & Level 2):
- Behavior Intervention & Treatment (BIT) services resume to pre-pandemic guidance effective 7/1/21. If an individual or guardian, if applicable, refuses to allow services to be provided in person, it must be documented and should continue to be provided remotely via means of electronic, phone, and/or video communication to individuals, families and agency staff.
- Behavior Intervention & Treatment services provided remotely via electronic, phone and/or video communications are billable through the applicable DDD billing code.
Occupational and Speech & Language Therapy, Counseling and/or Therapy for Group and/or Individual
- These services resume to pre-pandemic guidance effective 7/1/21. If an individual or guardian, if applicable, refuses to allow services to be provided in person, it must be documented and should continue to be provided remotely via electronic, by phone, and/or video communications which are billable through the applicable DDD billing code. This change is effective 7/1/21.
Supported Employment Guidance (39U/39G only):
- Providers can continue to provide employment in-person supports to individuals who are employed with appropriate safety precautions.
Bogard Specialized Services:
- If this service cannot be provided safely in person or if COVID mitigation level prohibits in person visits at nursing homes, the DDD expects that Bogard service providers will continue to provide remote support electronically, by phone, and/or video communications to nursing home residents. This exception remains in effect.
Illinois Department of Public Health at
Centers for Disease Control at
Administration for Community Living at
Self-Advocacy Resource and Technical Assistance Center at
The information contained herein should not be considered a substitute for the appropriate official statutes, rules, regulations, or the advice of legal counsel.
Effective Date: