Good Afternoon,
- The preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for COVID-19 cases as a percent of total test from April 8-14, 2021 is 4.2%. The preliminary seven-day statewide test positivity from April 8-14, 2021 is 4.9%.
- Remember to attend tomorrow's Provider Q & A on the revised Rate Implementation Plan. You can Register for Provider Q & A.
- Remember to register for the Dietary and Safe Dining Practices webinar on April 22nd at 1pm.
The Division of Developmental Disabilities invites you to a presentation of the 2019 Illinois National Core Indicator (NCI) Staff Stability (SS) survey results. The National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS) and the Human Service Research Institute (HRSI) will present the purpose, results, and benefits of the 2019 NCI SS survey. The survey is sent annually to providers that employ Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) and provides data that can influence programs, initiatives and legislation related to the DSP workforce.
The Short-term Stabilization Homes (SSH) Program was started five years ago to provide supports for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities experiencing behavioral or medical health crises that threatened their ongoing ability to live in a community setting, whether at home with family supports or in small group homes. The SSH program provides behavioral stabilization services in a small residential setting, similar to their existing home, with significantly more clinical support. The program opened with four homes - two in the northern part of the state, and two in the south-central part of the state - with each home serving four people.
Since the program's inception in September of 2016, 85 people have been admitted to the program. The overwhelming majority of people leaving the program - 92.8% - successfully return to community settings. Prior to the existence of the SSH program many of those people would have been admitted to more restrictive, less community-based environments.
The interest in accessing the program has been very strong due to the positive outcomes, with 265 referrals made for the program since it opened. Recognizing this, DHS began the process of expanding the program in cooperation with its community partners, Envision and Individual Advocacy Group (IAG) last year. Despite a delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are pleased to announce that the first of four new SSH homes opened this week!
The SSH Teams look forward to the ability to provide more people with needed behavioral stabilization services and helping people return successfully to their homes!
The Illinois State Treasurer's office is conducting a training titled "IL ABLE and What's New for Providers!" on Wednesday, April 21, 2021 from 12:00pm -1:15pm Central time specifically for providers!
Description: What Service Providers Need to Know? Illinois disability service providers are asking how they can open and manage IL ABLE accounts on behalf of the individuals they serve. With a third round of stimulus payments possibly coming to many SSI recipients, providers have many questions and need answers. This exclusive webinar is for provider staff and guardians of the individuals they serve. Service providers, please forward this information to guardians of the people you serve so they can learn with you.
Thank you for all you do.
- Allison V. Stark
- Director, Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Illinois Department of Human Services
- 600 East Ash-Building 400, Springfield, IL 62703
- Tel: (217) 782 -6803
The information contained herein should not be considered a substitute for the appropriate official statutes, rules, regulations, or the advice of legal counsel.
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