Tuesday, April 13, 2021, 11:00 a.m.
Teleconference: 1-888-494-4032/Access Code: 8725035698
Peter B. Neumer, Inspector General; Bill Diggins, Charles Wright, Deputy Inspector General; Brian Dunn, Chairperson; Jae Jin Pak, Board Member; Shirley Perez, Board Member; Megan Norlin, Board Member; Angela Hearts-Glass, Board Member, Julie Gaines, TA Administrative Assistant, Joyce Medley Administrative Assistant
Called to Order - 11:03 a.m.
Approval of February 9, 2021, Minutes
Motion to Approve minutes - Shirley Perez
Motion Seconded - Angela Hearts-Glass
All in favor, no opposed - February 9, 2021, minutes approved
Bi-Monthly Update on OIG Operations
Inspector General Neumer reported that the OIG office continues to operate remotely and will perform on-site investigations on an as-needed basis. Safety precautions (sanitation, social distancing, and PPE) have been put in place for OIG employees that are reporting to the work site, in accordance with the COVID19 guidelines set forth by the Department. Employees that work at 24/7 Facilities have been able to receive the vaccination as supplies are available. OIG employees will be scheduled for vaccination, with the understanding that OIG will be the last persons on site to receive vaccinations (i.e. direct care staff will receive priority over OIG). The DHS Secretary suggested speaking with the Infectious Control person who will be starting soon. With an uptick in the number of COVID cases there will be a discussion with Labor on how to deal with the possibilities of staff having reservations about going back to in person interviewing. Once staff are completely vaccinated OIG will be transitioning back to working on site, sights are set on returning to work mid to late summer.
There are continued concerns in the technology department and being able to keep everyone functioning off site. We have stretched our resources as far as the available working computers, Citrix and printing issues. There has been improvement over 6 months ago.
We now have on board the new Deputy Inspector General, Charles Wright.
LaSalle Veterans Home Investigation
Legal counsel was procured, and we received a draft report on 4-12-2021. Hopes are to release the completed report within the next week.
Sample of Case Reviews
The case sample contained agency cases and not facilities. Cases involving a Clinical Coordinator are the most difficult cases to investigate, for many reasons. They contain many facts and may involve subpoenas for medical files, an investigator may conduct interviews before obtaining the CC input and therefore the need for an additional interview may arise. We will be working on revising our processes, allowing for greater Bureau Chief oversight, in the hopes of reducing the length of time that these cases require. On 4-9-2021 OIG's Credible Evidence Directive went into effect, which outlines the process whereby OIG can direct facilities and agencies to remove employees from direct individual care. The facilities usually pull an employee immediately regardless of the nature of the allegation.
Other Business
Reminder was given to complete the Conflict of Interest, a fine can be assessed for non-compliance.
Brian Dunn has rendered his resignation from the board, this will be his last meeting.
The Governor's office and DHS will be in conversation regarding a new chair for the board and additional members. The June meeting is tentatively scheduled pending appointment of a new chair.
Meeting adjourned at 12:44 p.m.