WIC Vendor Minimum Supply List (effective 10/01/2022)

Illinois WIC vendors must carry the listed minimum stocking requirements at all times.

Minimum requirements are based on a store's Peer Group Assignment. The food categories listed do not include all WIC approved food items. Vendors are encouraged to carry more WIC foods based on customer demand.

WIC-allowed foods that count towards minimum stock can be found in the Authorized Food List, or the Approved Product List (APL) on the Illinois WIC Vendor Website at www.dhs.state.il.us/wicvendor.

Peer Group Designations

Peer Group Designation
1 Commissary Store
3 1 - 3 WIC Enabled Cash Registers, located in a Zip Code designated as Rural per USDA RUCA Codes
4 4 - 11 WIC Enabled Cash Registers, located in a Zip Code designated as Rural per USDA RUCA Codes
5 12+ WIC Enabled Cash Registers, located in a Zip Code designated as Rural per USDA RUCA Codes
6 1 - 3 WIC Enabled Cash Registers, located in a Zip Code designated as Urban per USDA RUCA Codes
7 4 - 11 WIC Enabled Cash Registers, located in a Zip Code designated as Urban per USDA RUCA Codes
8 12+ WIC Enabled Cash Registers, located in a Zip Code designated as Urban per USDA RUCA Codes
Pharmacy Store authorized as a Pharmacy only WIC Vendor.

If you are unsure of your store's Peer Group Assignment, you may reach out to DHS at DHS.WICVendor@illinois.gov.

Minimum Stock Requirements for Peer Groups 1, 3, 4 and 5


Minimum Two varieties fresh fruits and two varieties fresh vegetables.

Remaining may be canned or frozen.

$20 total value
MILK Two Types, whole and 1% or skim Gallons 12 Gallons
CHEESE Two Type 8 or 16 oz. Block 2 Pounds
EGGS Grade A or Grade AA Large or Extra-Large White Eggs 1 Dozen 4 Dozen
  • Three Types: Minimum One Whole Grain
Minimum 12 oz. containers 72 oz.
JUICE - 48OZ. / 12OZ. Two flavors 48 oz. liquid or 12 oz. frozen 2 containers
JUICE - 64OZ. Two flavors 64 oz. fluid 4 containers
BEANS OR PEAS Dry or Canned 16 oz. dry or 15-16 oz. canned 2 pounds or 8 cans
PEANUT BUTTER Any type without added ingredients 16-18 oz. 2 jars
WHOLE GRAINS Two Types: 100% Whole Wheat bread or buns, Soft Corn or Whole Wheat Tortillas, Oatmeal, Whole Wheat Pasta, Brown Rice, Bulgur 16 oz. 2 packages
INFANT FORMULA Two Types: Enfamil Infant Powder, Enfamil ProSobee Powder 12.5-12.9 oz. 20 cans combined total
INFANT CEREAL Two Types 8 or 16 oz. 48 oz.
INFANT FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Plain only 4.9 oz. 32 jars

Minimum Stock Requirements for Peer Groups 6,7 and 8


Minimum Two varieties fresh fruits and two varieties fresh vegetables.

Remaining may be canned or frozen.

$30 total value
MILK Two Types, whole and 1% or skim Gallons 18 Gallons
CHEESE Two Types 8 or 16 oz. Block 18 Gallons
EGGS Grade A or Grade AA Large or Extra-Large White Eggs 1 Dozen 6 Dozen
CEREALS Three Types: Minimum One Whole Grain Minimum 12 oz. containers 108 oz.
JUICE - 48OZ. / 12OZ. Two flavors 48 oz. liquid or 12 oz. frozen 3 containers
JUICE - 64OZ. Two flavors 64 oz. fluid 6 container
BEANS OR PEAS Dry or Canned 16 oz. dry or 15-16 oz. canned 3 pounds or 12 cans
PEANUT BUTTER Any type without added ingredients 16-18 oz. 3 jars
WHOLE GRAINS Two Types: 100% Whole Wheat bread or buns, Soft Corn or Whole Wheat Tortillas, Oatmeal, Whole Wheat Pasta, Brown Rice, Bulgur 16 oz. 3 packages
INFANT FORMULA Two Types: Enfamil Infant Powder, Enfamil ProSobee Powder 12.5 - 12.9 oz. 30 cans combined total
INFANT CEREAL Two Types 8 or 16 oz. 72 oz.
INFANT FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Two Types 4.0 oz. 48 jars

Minimum Stock Requirements for Peer Group Pharmacy

INFANT FORMULA Two Types: Enfamil Infant Powder, Enfamil ProSobee Powder 12.5 - 12.9 oz. 30 cans combined total
Pharmacy Vendors must have the ability to supply and process sales of all specialty formula on the IL WIC APL in the quantity prescribed to the participant within 2 business days of request.