December 17, 2021 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Meeting


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


Friday, December 17, 2021

9:30am to 11:30am


Meetings are held via Zoom


  1. Call to order/Roll call
  2. DHS Updates
  3. Approval of Minutes
    1. 10/15/21 RIOB Meeting
  4. 2022 RIOB Meeting Calendar Approval
  5. FY22 Program and Expenditures updates
  6. Madison County Update
  7. Planning Grant Report
  8. ORBIS Contract Update
  9. Ad Hoc RIOB Data Workgroup Update
  10. Ad Hoc RIOB Membership Work Group
  11. RIOB Training Requirements
  12. IOB Planning Update
  13. Adjourn

Upcoming meetings/events:

  • Executive Committee Meeting: Friday, January 21, 2022
  • Full Board Meeting: Friday, February 18, 2022

Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order/Roll call
    In the absence of Secretary Grace Hou, Anne Studzinski, Vice Chair, called the meeting to order at 9:33am. She invited Kristen Marshall to call the roll.
    Roll Call: Ryan Croke (representing Secretary Hou), Delrice Adams, Elizabeth Clarke, Avik Das (joined late), Dan Hunt, Krish Mohip, John Johnson, Omar Jamil (representing Heidi Mueller) Heidi Mueller (joined late), Peter Perry, John Rekowski, Tracy Senica, Anne Studzinski, Honorable George Timberlake, Rick Velasquez, Paula Wolff
    Staff: Erica Hughes, Esther Kaplan, Kristen Marshall, Karrie Rueter, Honorable Colleen Sheehan
    Guests: MaryAnn Dyar, Garien Gatewood, Seth El-Jamal, Andrea Hall, Luis Klein
    Ms. Marshall reported that a quorum was present.
  2. DHS Updates
    Ms. Studzinski invited Ryan Croke to share DHS updates. He announced that the Governor had appointed Chris Patterson as the new Assistant Secretary of the Office of Firearm Prevention. He reported that the Office of Firearm Prevention had released two Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs) to provide technical assistance to grassroots organizations doing youth development and anti-violence work. There will be more NOFOs in the first quarter of 2022. Additionally, the Governor proposed an amendment to the Reimagine Public Safety Act to ensure the state's investment in community areas with highly concentrated gun violence. Twenty-two areas in Chicago and fifteen areas downstate have been identified. Mr. Croke expressed interest in bringing Assistant Secretary Chris Patterson to the Board for a presentation. Ms. Studzinski replied that the Board is going to have a planning meeting that focuses on the topic youth and guns, so Assistant Secretary Patterson's presentation would be welcomed.
  3. Approval of Minutes of 10/15/21 RIOB Meeting
    Motion: Ms. Studzinski called for a motion to approve the minutes of the October meeting. Rick Velasquez moved approval. Elizabeth Clarke seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved with no abstentions or opposition.
  4. 2022 RIOB Meeting Calendar Approval
    Motion: Ms. Studzinski called for a motion to approve the 2022 RIOB Meeting Calendar. John Rekowski moved approval. Elizabeth Clarke seconded the motion. No abstentions. No opposition. Motion carried.
    Full Board Meeting Schedule: 9:30 to 11:30 am on February 18th, April 15th, June 17th, August 19th, October 21st, December 16th
    Executive Committee Meeting Schedule: 9:30 to 11:30 am on January 21st, March 18th, May 20th, July 15th, September 16th, November 18th
  5. FY22 Program and Expenditures updates
    Ms. Studzinski invited Erica Hughes to share updates on Redeploy Program expenditures and commitments of established sites. Ms. Hughes reported that the 2nd Circuit had eight commitments in the current fiscal year with a baseline of 11. The site and DHS staff are following this closely so that it is addressed early in the process. She continued that most sites are very close to the projected number of youth they expect to serve. In response to a question, Karrie Rueter explained that grant awards began to increase when the program shifted its focus towards positive outcomes. Providers are hopeful of reaching a certain population and the Staff will assess spending at the end of the first six months. In February, the Board can decide how much money can be reallocated.
    In response to a question from Garien Gatewood about putting extra funds towards supportive housing for youth, Ms. Studzinski pointed out that many providers receive CCBYS (Comprehensive Community Based Youth Services) funding to address crises placements. Ms. Rueter explained that Redeploy's purpose is to get youth out of state systems, not to find housing, and noted there is a limited number of programs for homeless youth statewide. MaryAnn Dyar shared that the Council of State Governments has laid out the role that Probation and Parole have in addressing housing. Ms. Hughes pointed out that Redeploy sites have provided temporary housing assistance on a case-by-case basis.
  6. Madison County Update
    Ms. Studzinski reviewed the action taken regarding Madison County at the October Board meeting. She explained that in 2020, Madison County commitments to IDJJ had exceeded the baseline while remaining in line with their three-year average. The Board decided that no corrective action was required, but that Madison County should report back to the Board any remedial actions they took as well as what progress was being made. Ms. Studzinski asked Ms. Hughes to report on progress on remedial actions. Ms. Hughes reported on three efforts Madison County was engaged in to stay within the baseline. They are exploring effective interventions and other criminal offense trends among youth which is being addressed through their work with the local Juvenile Justice Council and the Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission. They are also analyzing date and creating a plan to address Racial and Ethnic Disparities that may contribute to IDJJ commitments. This will be addressed with Illinois Department of Human Services funding through the Madison County Juvenile Justice Council. The third remediation involves scheduled meetings with the Juvenile Judge and States Attorney to revisit juvenile offender referrals to the Redeploy program. The county's commitments have gone down, with only two so far.
  7. Planning Grant Report
    Ms. Studzinski invited Ms. Marshall to update the Board on current and pending planning grants in Lake, Peoria, Champaign and Cook Counties.
    Lake County - She noted a condition placed on Lake County's application that staff work with Lake and Cook Counties to clarify eligibility of Cook County youth for the Lake County Redeploy program. Staff met with Lake County officials following the October meeting to explain the condition. They also told them that Peter Parry had volunteered to be the initial Cook County point of contact for Lake County to start working out an agreement. She noted that Lake County Board had recently given final acceptance of the grant, allowing the grant to be officially awarded.
    Peoria County - Peoria County's Planning Grant budget had been approved by their County Board. Their contract will now be processed. A new judge will be hearing juvenile cases starting on January 1st.
    Champaign County - Ms. Hughes had met with a planning group in Champaign County. They are pulling together their budget for a Redeploy Planning Grant and will submit it by January 1st.
    Cook County - Cook County's Redeploy team sent in a letter of intent to DHS staff which lays out the steps they have been taking in their Planning Grant process and the stakeholders involved. DHS staff is prepared to accept the letter of intent with some follow up responses, including clarification on whether or not Cook County is asking for pre-award costs for work done so far and an anticipation date of when to expect the Planning Grant final report. Ms. Marshall invited Peter Parry to give a brief update on the additional efforts of Cook County. He stated that Cook County is currently working with Chicago Crime Lab, focusing on youth committing gun crimes.
  8. ORBIS Contract Update
    Ms. Studzinski asked Ms. Marshall to report on the proposal from ORBIS Partners. She reported the proposal outlines their plan to develop new data collection and case management systems for Redeploy and CCBYS. Orbis staff stated they can provide ways to measure progress, including introducing intermediate steps in goals and building in opportunities to praise success. Between training and items built into the system, users will know what to prioritize in case plans. ORBIS staff will consider different tracts for each program and believe this is feasible with little additional costs. They have requested weekly meetings with DHS staff during the initial weeks of the project to ensure timely progress. The estimated cost is $250,000 for FY22 with a targeted start date of January 1st, 2022. Redeploy has this money available without having to de-obligate funds from other areas.
    In response to a question from Rick Velasquez about development costs, Ms. Rueter explained that in the future, Redeploy would be paying for training and user and licensing fees. In the new system, providers will be able to access information in the database so they can complete their own analysis. Costs can be shared in the future, depending on which programs are using the system. ORBIS has agreed to continually work with Redeploy to develop new reports over time, ensuring to capture data elements outside of YASI that are in eCornerstone. Board members agreed that it is important for Staff to meet with the Department of Juvenile Justice, along with other groups, so that Redeploy can continue to learn from how they are gathering information. Included in the ORBIS proposal is the addition of consultants from multiple issue areas, including parents.
    Motion: Since there were no more questions, Anne Studzinski called for a motion to approve the funding for the ORBIS contract. Paula Wolff moved approval. John Rekowski seconded. No abstentions. No opposition. Motion carried.
  9. Ad Hoc RIOB Data Workgroup Update
    Ms. Studzinski summarized the recent focus of the Workgroup. They met on December 7th to finalize their discussions around measuring success on the different components of the Matrix. She reminded the Board that the YASI assessment lays out broad goals for youth in the program and records whether those goals were met or unmet, leaving no way to record how the goals were met or the intermediary steps taken to complete the goals. She pointed out that the matrix, with its holistic approach, requires a more nuanced set of goals and successive steps to reaching those goals. In addition, the Board wants to investigate what it takes to meet a goal and what is happening when a goal is left un-met.
    Ms. Studzinski pointed out to members that a success story from the 13th Circuit site was included in their meeting material. She announced that a success story, related to some domain of the matrix, will be shared at each Board meeting in the future. Board members expressed the value in also sharing these success stories with the Juvenile Justice Leadership Council, the IJJC, service providers, and judges in each circuit.
  10. Ad Hoc RIOB Membership Workgroup
    Ms. Studzinski invited Rick Velasquez to share updates. The workgroup met on November 30th. Mr. Velasquez reminded the Board that until Secretary Hou returns and provides direction on the process for nominations to the RIOB, discussions on this topic will be tabled. The workgroup also wants to inform the Board on trainings that are available. By the end of FY22, there will be a manual that will be provided to new members as they join, which will include expectations for Board members' involvement. The RIOB Membership Workgroup is scheduled to meet again in February.
  11. RIOB Training Requirements
    Ms. Studzinski invited Ms. Marshall to share updates about the training requirements through DHS. She stated that an email was sent to those Board members that still need to complete training for 2021. Information will be sent out for 2022 training once staff receive the information from DHS training staff.
  12. RIOB Planning Update
    Ms. Studzinski shared that there will be a planning meeting at the beginning of 2022 about youth and guns using Heidi Mueller's data. A summary of the planning meeting that was held on December 13th was sent out to the Board.
  13. Adjourn
    Motion: At 11:26am, Ms. Studzinski called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Perry moved adjournment. Ms. Clarke seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Upcoming meetings/events:

  • Executive Committee Meeting: Friday, January 21, 2022 (if needed)
  • Full Board Meeting: Friday, February 18, 2022