June 11, 2021 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Meeting


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


Friday, June 11, 2021

9:30am to 11:30am


Meetings are held via Zoom

Call in number: (312) 626-6799

Meeting ID: 931 1043 1466

Meeting Passcode: 113301



  1. Call to order/Roll call
  2. DHS/Board Member Updates
  3. Approval of Minutes
    1. 4/16/21 RIOB Meeting
  4. FY21 Program and Expenditures updates
    1. Redeploy Program expenditures and commitments/number served
    2. ICOY activity update and expenditures
  5. FY22 Funding Decisions
    1. Redeploy Established and New Programs applications
    2. Redeploy Planning Grant Program update
    3. Redeploy Training, Technical Assistance & Support Grant
  6. FY22 Redeploy Planning Grant Funding Notice update/decision
  7. Data Work Group Update
    1. YASI / Core Service Area Assessment Proposal Instructions update/decision
  8. Adjourn
    Upcoming meetings/events:
  • Executive Committee Meeting: Friday, July 16th, 2021
  • Full Board Meeting: Friday, August 20th, 2021


  1. Roll Call
    Secretary Grace Hou called the meeting to order at 9:32am and invited Kristen Marshall to do roll call.
    Roll Call: Secretary Grace Hou, Delrice Adams, Janet Ahern, Honorable Walter Brandon, Betsy Clarke, Avik Das, Dan Hunt, Krish Mohip, Heidi Mueller, Peter Parry, John Johnson, John Rekowski, Tracy Senica, Anne Studzinski, Honorable George Timberlake, Rick Velasquez, Paula Wolff
    Staff: Karrie Rueter, Katy Culleeny, Erica Hughes, Kristen Marshall, Honorable Colleen Sheehan, Leslie
    Guests: Ahmadou Drame, Mary Ann Dyar, Omar Jamil, Christian Snow
  2. DHS/Board Member Updates
    Secretary Hou provided updates on the IDHS budget. With the passing of the American Rescue Act, the IDHS budget has increased from the originally allocated $8.5 Billion to just over $11 Billion. Secretary Hou noted the this is a great opportunity as well as a difficulty, as it requires a lot of staff intensive work to deploy resources to communities in a responsible way, and to reach small and emerging organizations who have been left out of funding in the past. The Reimagine Public Safety Act passed, which established an Office of Firearm Violence Prevention and an Assistant Secretary, which will drive local work. DHS will continue to collaborate with ICJIA and many other state agencies. Secretary Hou introduced two new RIOB members, John Rekowski and John Johnson. John Rekowski, appointed by the Chief Justice, has been practicing law for a little over 40 years, spent 30 years as Chief Public Defender in Madison County, and has been active with legislature and the Illinois State Bar Association last two decades. John Johnson is the Associate Director of Youth Services Network (YSN) in Rockford. YSN provides therapy and support services to children and families who have experienced trauma, including youth in the Winnebago County Redeploy program.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    1. 4/16/21 RIOB Meeting
      Rick Velasquez motioned to approve the meeting minutes from the April Board meeting. Judge Walter Brandon seconded the motion. No opposition. 1 abstention. Motion Carried.
  4. Program and expenditures update
    Secretary Hou invited Erica Hughes to provide program and expenditure updates and present on the FY22 applications and site updates. FY22 goals include improved collection, reporting, and analysis of data. Sites have requested trainings and support on specific topics including gun/community violence, adolescent domestic battery, trafficking, restorative justice and more. Strategic marketing efforts for the program are also needed to ensure thorough stakeholder awareness and engagement. DHS also hopes to increase collaborative efforts with CCBYS and IDJJ Aftercare and evaluate existing and possible new evidence-based programming. Sites have incorporated new programmatic elements including client care coordinators, IEP specialists, and family engagement specialists. Betsy Clarke asked about possible collaboration with DJJ and their regional intake, to which Ms. Hughes and Ms. Rueter explained they would also be working with other DHS programs like Homeless Youth, and they have had initial conversations with IDJJ. Ms. Wolff asked what sites were doing to incorporate positive youth outcomes into their plans for FY22. Ms. Hughes explained that some sites were more prepared that others to transition to strength-based documentation and the transition to positive youth development. Anne Studzinski noted that this FY would be a major planning year for sites to ensure they are ready for the new assessment and matrix from Orbis. Ms. Wolff requested that the Board model at a macro level what they are asking of sites at a micro level and use the term "Asset Assessment" instead of a "Needs Assessment." Ms. Clarke emphasized the importance of encouraging sites to use "flex funds," to which Director Heidi Mueller wholeheartedly agreed.
  5. FY22 Funding Decision
    1. Redeploy Established and New Programs applications
      Secretary Hou opened the floor for a motion to approve nine site applications.
      Ms. Wolff moved parliamentary approval of all 9 site applications with recusal of John Johnson for Winnebago County and Judge Walter Brandon for the 20th Circuit.
      2 abstentions. No opposition. Motion Carried.
    2. Redeploy Planning Grant Program update
      Karrie Rueter provided updates. The provider in Lake County is not interested in pursuing a full site application at this time. Following discussion from Garien Gatewood and Ms. Wolff, Peter Parry, Dan Hunt, and Judge Colleen Sheehan agreed to speak to stakeholders in Lake County to learn more.
    3. Redeploy Training, Technical Assistance & Support Grant
      Ms. Rueter requested approval for the $350,000 that has been allocated for the TTAS grant this year. ICOY is the grantee.
      Ms. Studzinski moved approval of the $350,000 budget for the TTAS grant. Judge Brandon seconded the motion.
      1 abstention. No opposition. Motion Carried.
  6. FY22 Redeploy Planning Grant Funding Notice update/decision
    Ms. Rueter discussed the opportunity to post the NOFO as a continuous NOFO, or no close date as long as there is adequate funding. Mr. Hunt stated he liked the idea of a continuous application, acknowledging that there may be logistical challenges but that it does remove some barriers for localities. Ms. Studzinski and Secretary Hou both expressed their support for the idea. Ms. Clarke requested the website be updated with the new information, to which Mr. Hunt agreed that communication surrounding this new process will be important. Ms. Culleeny added that ICOY could update the website, and that an update to the website overall with the host, ePage City may also be timely, and rough cost estimate is $6-10,000. Judge Timberlake expressed an interest in updating the website and using more strategic marketing and communication efforts. Ms. Rueter suggested an Ad Hoc committee to provide input on what an updated website might look like and what marketing efforts might include. Secretary Hou asked board members to contact Ms. Rueter or Ms. Marshall if they are interested in joining that committee.
    Ms. Clarke moved approval of a continuously open Redeploy two-phase planning grant to fund eligible applicants. Delrice Adams seconded the motion. No abstentions. No opposition. Motion Carried.
  7. Data Work Group Update
    1. YASI / Core Service Area Assessment Proposal Instructions update/decision
      Secretary Hou invited Ms. Studzinski to present. There are four deliverables for Orbis, for which a timeline for development and implementation still needs to be discussed. First, update and retool the YASI to make updates and to ensure we can screen and assess based on the new matrix. The plan is to keep Motivational Interviewing and the results will still go to the wheel tool. Second, Caseworks will be the new case management tool. Director Mueller expressed support for the Caseworks tool, which is currently used at IDJJ. Third, data collection and management will also be within the Orbis system instead of eCornerstone. The last deliverable is training on the new system, which the current trainer is fantastic. Ms. Clarke requested thorough oversight of the project to ensure R.E.D. is addressed appropriately, that youth are not hold accountable for adverse factors outside of their control and that the process is humane and respectful. Judge Timberlake expressed his hope for Orbis to incorporate feedback from frontline staff and youth and families who have been through the assessment process. Director Mueller agreed that people with lived experience should be considered experts and should eb consulted. Ms. Rueter agreed and ensured that it would be a collaborative process and intentionally include providers across the state, and has been built into the ICOY contract.
      Janet Ahern moved approval of contracting with Orbis. Director Mueller seconded the motion.
      No opposition. No abstentions. Motion Carried.
  8. Adjourn
    Meeting adjourned at 11:00am.