PM 03-06-05-a
One or more of the following reasons must exist for an exception to be approved or continued. The Family Community Resource Center must obtain the verification indicated for the reason(s) appropriate to the customer's situation. The Family Community Resource Center submits the verifications to the Bureau of Policy Development (BPD) with a case summary that contains the Family Community Resource Center recommendation regarding the exception and, if applicable, a review date.
NOTE 1: Always use Client Assessment Unit (CAU) Memorandum (Form 183F) to send Forms 183A and 183B to CAU. Mark the box labeled "60-month Exception." Marking this box alerts CAU that they need to make 2 determinations on the medical information submitted: 1) probably eligible for SSI and 2) medical condition.
NOTE 2: Obtain Form 183A from each doctor the person sees. Ask the customer to sign Authorization to Release Medical Records (Form 4701H) for each provider to be sent Form 183A. A person with multiple health problems usually sees more than one doctor. In addition to Form 183A, the doctor's progress notes are usually needed.
If the customer does not have representation, refer the customer to an advocate. The customer must follow through with the referral. If no advocate is available or the advocate refuses to represent the customer, representation is not required.
CAU must determine that the customer is unable to work at least 30 hours per week.
NOTE 1: Always use Client Assessment Unit (CAU) Memorandum (Form 183F) to send Forms 183A and 183B to CAU. Mark the box labeled "60-month Exception." Marking this box alerts CAU that they need to make 2 determinations on the medical information submitted: 1) probably eligible for SSI and 2) medical condition. Include a copy of signed Form 4701H for each medical provider.
NOTE 2: If CAU determines that the person is "probably eligible for SSI," they inform the FCRC of that via Form 183C. Include cooperation with the SSI disability process in the customer's RSP.
NOTE: Also use this reason for a customer with an SSI application pending if CAU determines they have a medical barrier but do not meet SSI disability standards.
CAU must approve the family care barrier in the same manner as for a customer who has not requested an exception (see WAG 21-01-04-c). When a customer with less than 60 months requests an exception due to care of a child or spouse, follow the procedures to determine if the clock should stop and the procedures for an exception request.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary
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