Illinois Autism Task Force


The Illinois Autism Task Force is an advisory body to the Secretary of the Department of Human Services.

On July 21, 2004, Public Act 093-0773, "An Act in Relations to Persons with Disabilities," was signed into law. PA 093-0773 directed IDHS to convene a special task force, to "study and assess the service needs of persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)".

The vision of the Autism Task Force is that In Illinois, people with autism and their families will be able to readily access an array of effective services that meet their functional and clinical needs across the lifespan.

Board/Commission/Task Force Requirements

Training Requirements


Regular meetings of the Illinois Autism Task Force shall be held at quarterly. All meetings are open to the public as prescribed in the Illinois Open Meetings Act.




Sub-Committees of the Autism Task Force

Sub-Committees of the Autism Task Force will bring in additional individuals not currently seated on the Task Force that can best inform the topic or sub-committee need.


IDHS recruited parents of children and adults challenged by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), representatives of state agencies, healthcare professionals, service providers, academic professionals, and members of the legislature to serve on the Illinois Autism Task force (IATF).

Member Organization/Affiliation
Dr. Kruti Acharya UIC
Patti Boheme, Co-Chair Wellspring Clinical Associates
Sasha Boheme Hinsdale Township Highschool
Amanda Brott TAP
Stephanie Brown Autism Society Southern Illinois, Parent
Mo Buti Aiepa
Dr. Tom DiMatteo Wellspring Clinical Associates
Theresa Forthofer Easter Seals DuPage and Fox Valley, Parent
Dr. Karen Fried Sonia Shankman Orthogenic School
Dr. Ramiro Gumucio Parent, Physician
Sherry Healey Parent
Terry Herbstritt PACTT, Parent
Sherry Ladislas Trinity Services, Inc, Parent
Kiya Olson ASPB Therapy Pathways
Zoubida Pasha Family Resource Center on Disabilities, Parent
Aimee Pfister DayOnePACT, Parent
Cari Roestel Act Early Ambassador, LEND
Colleen Shinn Autism Speaks
Ruth Ann Sikora DuPage Family Disability Network, Parent

IDHS Administrative Support

IATF Administrative Contact: Christine Hammond -